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Kugyay December 2021 Update: Welcome to the new site!

Updated: Dec 27, 2021

Hey guys!

We're bringing back Pawprints! Kugyay's monthly newsletter where the staff can update you monthly on updates and bug fixes, give you patch notes for our latest update, and even introduce our next Member and Character of the month!

Thank you all for remaining by our sides during these rocky times, we're so lucky to have each and every one of you as members!

<3 - the staff


Member of the Month!

Introducing Member of the Month! Each month, the staff wants to highlight some of our awesome members who have been showing

The Member of the Month for December 2021 is... Missa!

Missa has been a member of our server since December 2020 and currently serves as ShadowClan's chaotic but very charming deputy Mellowfrost!

Here's some interesting facts about Missa!

Missa's favorite color is blue!

Missa's favorite animal is a wolf!

Missa's favorite hobby is gaming!

Missa's favorite Warrior Cat book/series is Crookedstar's Promise!

Character(s) of the Month!

The Character(s) of the Month for December 2021 are.... Mellowfrost, Rainysky , and Firestar!

Firestar, roleplayed by Roach, is the courageous leader of SkyClan!

Rainysky, roleplayed by Chris, is the empathetic medicine cat of RiverClan!

Mellowfrost, roleplayed by Missa, is the chaotic, yet charming deputy of ShadowClan!

New Features!

  1. Pawprints, is a monthly update written by the staff for all members to enjoy! In each issue you will find COTM and MOTM updates, relevant site-wide plot updates that may effect your character, and a run-down of any new features or bug fixes that are featured in each site update.

  2. New Territories, each clan has two new locations in their territories for your characters to explore!

  3. Return of the Nursery and Elder Dens, whose idea even was that anyway?

  4. "Neutral Territories", no longer the "outskirts", these are simply just neutral territories where any cat can be regardless of status or clan and is designated as a "no mans land". (Reminder, the moon-cave is still only accessible to those with permission... for now!)

  5. New Map, the new map is located on the Clan Information page! While this map is in a different orientation than our previous map, nothing has actually changed in terms of locations.

  6. Plot Information Page, looking to be caught up on the latest plot in your clan? Look no further! Here you can find descriptions of current clan-centric plots, and both previous and current site-wide plots!

  7. Individual Clan Pages, the clan pages have been completely re-done, each filled with detailed information about their respective clan. Here you can find the clan lists, current high ranks, and even an individualized slide-show!

  8. Members Page, looking for a friend's profile? The members page is just the place to look! Looking to contact a staff member? Each staff member has a yellow staff member button below their contact photo.

  9. Help Button, when you scroll throughout the site, do you see that orange button? With a click of a button you can let us know if you have any bugs or issues with the site!

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