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Jul 28, 2022
In Character Applications
🌸⚡️ Name: Blossompaw (Blossomjump) Age: 10 Moons Gender: Female Clan: SkyClan Rank: Apprentice Appearance: A short-furred calico she cat with long legs and tail. She has a thin, skinny frame. Her eyes are a soft grayish blue. Scent: Feathers & gardenia Personality: Blossompaw is a novice mentor's nightmare. With little regard for rules or regulation, and a desire to run off and have fun at any given opportunity, she is known to be a pawful. From the day she could stand up on her paws she's been climbing trees, escaping camp, picking fights with all of the other kits (and some apprentices) and being a general pain in the ass for most of the adult cats. Her antics have earned her many an afternoon picking ticks from the elders' pelts, which she's come to enjoy when she gets to hear their stories about causing their own trouble in their day. She spares no cat from speaking what's on her mind. Despite her hard to handle behavior, Blossompaw still takes her training seriously (most of the time anyway), and she isn't mean-spirited in the slightest. She's just here for a good time, even if her idea of one is what many would call a "nuisance". Skills: Blossompaw may be skinny and light, but she knows how to use it to her advantage. She can move like a rattlesnake and her jumping and climbing prowess is impressive for her age. She's hard to pin down in combat, but as one could guess she lacks in brute force. She's come to enjoy attacking her peers in training from above, finding the nearest tree or rock and scaling it with lightning speed to gain higher ground than her opponent. She's a decent tracker and is shaping into a fine hunter. Mentor: Open! Parents: N/A (open to add relations!) Siblings: N/A (open to add relations!) Mate(s): None Kits: None
Blossompaw - SkyClan Apprentice content media
Jul 07, 2022
In Character Applications
🦌🍁 Name: Stagfrost Age: 28 moons Gender: Male Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Warrior Appearance: A thick-furred dark brown tabby tom with forest green eyes. He has a strong, stocky build and a long tail. His eyes are large and round, and his whiskers are long and somewhat curved downward. Scent: Oak sap & summer air Personality: Stagfrost is a warm and friendly young warrior, with seemingly boundless energy. He's always quick to volunteer for patrols or hunting (when he doesn't oversleep that is) and hates to be standing still. Ever since he was a kit he's been fidgety, and used to always rope all the other kits into breaking out of camp when the adults weren't looking. Becoming an apprentice seemed to satisfy his need for adventure and exercise, for the most part. He tends to overdo it sometimes and has even fainted on one occasion from over-exerting himself. His drive to be the best and provide for his Clan is ceaseless. He sometimes has a little too much courage for his own good (if you ask anyone but him they'd call it recklessness). His warmth can sometimes turn into a hot temper. Skills: Stagfrost is obviously driven, and can certainly hold his own in a fight. He bragged for moons about scrapping with a small dog that wandered into the woods once, and while it was commendable that he chased it off with hardly a scratch to himself, he may have exaggerated the size of it to scare and impress the apprentices. He's a little clumsy when it comes to hunting, but his effort takes him a long way and he won't return to camp without at least something. Despite this he also makes a fair climber. Mentor: None Apprentice: None Parents: N/A (open to add relations!) Siblings: N/A (open to add relations!) Mate(s): None Kits: None
Stagfrost - ThunderClan Warrior content media
Jul 07, 2022
In Character Applications
Name: Coldsky Age: 47 moons Gender: Male Clan: RiverClan Rank: Warrior Appearance: A silver tabby tom with white paws, chest and muzzle and a dark tail-tip and nose. His eyes are a dark honey-gold. He has a medium muscular build, medium-length fur and tall, tufty ears. Scent: Rain & juniper berry Personality: This tom is cool and collected, with the patience of a seasoned warrior which can make him an excellent mentor. He always waits and thinks before he acts, and carries a strong sense of morality. Coldsky may come off aloof and indifferent. He also tends to be a little stuck in his ways, and this is just because he believes in his ways so strongly. Others may see him as a bit of a stick in the mud, but he's always trying to put the 🌧️❄️ most important things first. Skills: Being a very rational thinker, Coldsky does well in tasks that require planning and strategy. He stays level headed in the face of trouble and tends to give good advice. He would be a good choice for leading patrols or joining diplomatic missions. He won't be the strongest cat in the fight, but he'll surely be one of the most sensible. Mentor: None Apprentice: None Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A (open to add relations!) Mate(s): None Kits: None
Coldsky - RiverClan Warrior content media
Jul 06, 2022
In Character Applications
🌿🌘 Name: Leafskip Age: 22 moons Gender: Female Clan: ShadowClan Rank: Warrior Appearance: A small, dainty black she-cat with sleek short fur and bright green eyes. She has a round face and medium ears along with short black whiskers. Scent: Pine bark & fresh moss Personality: Leafskip is quite curious, preferring to take an observer's role in situations initially until she decides she's comfortable. When she warms up to another, she's quite friendly and honest, and a fair bit nosy. She loves to know the drama, and still gossips with the apprentices when she gets a chance, but will never divulge a secret someone tells her in confidence. She has a good heart, and a strong sense of responsibility and duty to others. Skills: Living up to her ShadowClan roots, Leafskip is excellent at stealth and stalking. Her small frame and dark coat aid this skill further. She capitalized on this during her apprenticeship and truly honed these abilities through tracking, hunting and sneaking. In combat she has to lean on her mobility since she does not possess as much physical strength as the average warrior, but has proven her capability in ambush-style fighting. Mentor: None Apprentice: None Parents: N/A (open to add relations!) Siblings: N/A (open to add relations!) Mate(s): None Kits: None
Leafskip - ShadowClan Warrior content media

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