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In ThunderClan Camp
Jun 11, 2024
Hawktar smiled as a few cats stepped forward. It spoke well of his Clan that already, some were amicable to helping out. His Leadership had not been long enough to take any credit for this but he knew better than to take it for granted all the same. “Thank you, both of you.” He mewed to Basilfang and Grizzlytooth. “Basilfang, you will take Bacon here. And Grizzlytooth, if you’ll take Maverick, I think these will be good matches. Come to me if you have any concerns. Your charges will be spending their nights in a temporary den, you are encouraged to sleep there yourselves though we may not need every guardian to do so. It’s during the day these little furballs need the most minding.” He mrrowed, as one such kitten pounced on his tail claws out. His amber eyes watered slightly but he pressed on, being very brave about it. “I am afraid two Warriors will not be enough to shoulder all of these kittens. I will therefore be handing out some assignments as well. If you have any legitimate reasons against caring for a kit I don’t know about, I am willing to listen, but bear in mind this is something we must all come together to resolve.” He swept his gaze once more over the sea of faces. “Echo! Yes, good. You can take Barbie and Ken here, if you don’t mind. I think you can handle two.” He winked. “And ha, yes, thank you Elmstrike. Briarstep shall be handling the patrol, but we’ll need as much help as possible if we’re to succeed in finding these little ones' families.” “Vanillabreeze, I will be assigning you Trillium here.” He went on, beginning to feel the weariness in his bones for  his journey in earnest. He glanced back at the crowd of frightened and tired kittens behind him. “The rest should be alright in the care of our nursery Queens, though if any cat wishes to lend further assistance just let myself or Briarstep know. I’m sure the Queens would appreciate it.” And with this, he signaled the end of the meeting by leaping down from his perch. He landed with a touch less grace than normal, and limped tiredly back to his den where he could look forward to a long rest at Dawnpool’s side.
The Rightful Heir (SC Plot)
In Clearing
Apr 14, 2024
Morningpaw recognized the call for a meeting, though not the voice that issued it. Poking her head from Waspsight’s den, where they’d been chatting and sorting herbs (he’d attempted to keep her out, claiming that embalming was no activity for an apprentice. Her twin gaze fixed on the tom calling the Clan to order. What was his name again? Morningpaw still knew precious few Warriors names, still being new to this whole apprentice thing. Oh, what’s this? She watched in silence as another Warrior– this one she did know, Ravenclaw, a tom who’d complimented her hunting once– intervened and began arguing about succession. Oh dear, that’s right… She recalled Hareflight’s speculation on the situation and how the transfer of power had been muddied by the unexpected and sudden death of Mercuryrose. I’m really not a fan of the mortality rate here. What were you thinking, mom? She’d assumed that the dark-furred tom’s call for order was an indication that a decision had been reached by…whoever’s job it was to do that.The Elders, most likely. Such was the way in the outlands, in family groups. But not here. “Isn’t there like…some kind of vote we should do?” She muttered to the cat closest to her. Casting stones wasn’t unheard of where she was from, it seemed to her like it would work here as well. She noted Rowanshade standing close by the other tomcat, uncharacteristically quiet. It was clear where Feahterpaw's mentor's stone would be cast.
training session (test of trust)
In Tall Pines
Apr 07, 2024
Rowanshade slunk along behind the other three members of the party. She still couldn’t believe she’d been given an apprentice, after everything. Featherpaw was a beat-up little dusky gray tabby of a rogue, but she was still a soul entrusted to Rowanshade for guidance. Was it some kind of trick? Mistrust had become her bread and butter since the battle, so she found herself regarding her Clanmates with as little trust as they did her. “Yeah, that would be best.” she meowed, chin set. She fluffed out her russet-colored fur, and looked Redmask directly in the eye as though challenging him. She was shorter than he, and indeed most cats. “These two are former city cats. City cats are all posture and bluff, because they don’t have healing herbs and Clanmates to care for them. It might seem crazy to attack outright, but a Warrior has no need of such a dance.”  And without warning, she launched herself at Featherpaw. She didn’t attack head-on, being much heavier and stronger than her pupil, but instead aimed a glancing blow claws sheathed on her left side. Featherpaw reacted instantly, side-stepping and smoothly extending a slender limb to catch her mentor mid-air. The sudden preparedness was not what Rowanshade had been anticipating, so the defense caught her solidly knocking the wind from her as she landed in an ungraceful heap.  “Er, not bad. Guess you’ve had some fighting training before?” She coughed, getting to her feet with as much dignity as she could muster. Featherpaw said nothing. “Alright Morningpaw. Let’s see you block an attack.” Rowanshade gave a jerk of her head, indicating that Redmask should engage his apprentice. Though she had the benefit of forewarning, Morningpaw couldn’t help but swallow nervously as she eyed her mentor. She had a feeling this would be very different than the casual combat training Wisteriastar had shown her back home…
The Memories Will Never Die (Clan Meeting)
In Clearing
Sins of the son.
In Ghostly Flats
Feb 15, 2024
Copperheart laughed, a shrill and unnatural sound born of his own discordant voice and Hawkstar’s. Like the scraping of claws on stone, an innate miasma of wrongness that engendered a sick feeling in one’s core. His eyes were rolling madly, but fixed on his father as if hanging on for dear life. “I’m afraid not, dearest father. Lion of the forest.” He spat the words like they were poison. “You sowed these seeds many moons ago, and now you will. Reap. What. You. Sow.” He punctuated each word with a step forward. Though unsteady on his feet, he still radiated a frightening sense of abandon. He’d died once and was scarce afeared to greet death once more. As such, Copperheart fought with nothing to lose, though he was aware his father had a few spare deaths up his own sleeve. But he was interested in far more than his demise. With aims of commandeering the flame-furred giant, he launched his battered body forward and sank his claws into that thick fur. Briefly, the intense scent of his father invoked unwelcome memories. Memories of a small kitten tumbling down Firestar’s broad back and begging to go again while his mother chided him. Small white paws pouncing on a long feather duster tail sweeping a red cavern floor. Gentle eyes, golden and green looking down at him as he turned over in his sleep, his milk-full belly rising and falling noiselessly. Safety. Completion. Belonging. Feelings that burned him with their warmth. He burrowed his muzzle through the layers of fur until he at last struck skin, and bit down as hard as he could muster. The blood that spurted into his mouth dragged him back to the present. It tasted of copper, his namesake, of rare meat and death. This is who I am now. That kitten is long gone.
... But Rises Harder and Stronger: The Exorcism Battle [Open]
In Birch Forest
Jul 28, 2023
Hawkstar walked solemnly through the misty grove, pausing only when a sheet of raindrops began to fall. They passed through his phantom form to dapple the undisturbed grass beneath his feet, as if he was not there at all. Sound was also muted. Thunder peeled in the distance, but was more of a murmur to his spectral ears. The world around him moved and breathed, oblivious to the liminal interloper that stood in the clearing. He’d arrived at last. This was the place where the battle was to happen, if he had seen truly from his invisible position in each of the camps. His heart ached thoroughly for the blood about to be shed here. Would their plan even work? He had to believe it would, else this shadow of an existence was to become his norm.  Shapes loomed in the foggy distance, revealing themselves to be ThunderClan Warriors making their way to the summit. Many wore faces of resigned grimness, but Hawkstar had eyes only for his own face.  At the head of the pack, striding purposefully beside a worrying Briarstep, was his body.  In truth, it had seen better days. Hawkstar had no experience with the laws of spirits, of how their physicality was ruled, but from what he was seeing now he was willing to wager a soul stuffed into the wrong container would eventually turn foul like crowfood. The once-sleek and thin body was bulging awkwardly around the shoulders and flank, sunken in other areas to form a gruesome topography of flesh and bone. His pelt was ragged and thinning in various areas, particularly along the spine which arched high, its vertebrae jutting up like mountain peaks. Further down by the ankles his skin was stretched and riding up, revealing pale white paws that could belong to none other than the ghastly tomcat wearing his skin. The head turned to fix him with a stranger's eyes shining out from his own face. A cold thrill shot through Hawkstar’s soul. He knew Copperheart could see him. He could only watch as his body then threw itself at Briarstep, who it warmed him to see, had turned back at the last minute. Good on you boy. Don’t follow me off a cliff.  The fight predictably stirred up a great commotion between the ThunderClanners, who yowled with confusion, some of them moving forward to intervene whilst others stood in their path. He saw Palefawn snarling in Goldenpaw’s face, the latter responding by raking her claws over the older Warrior’s muzzle. Blood spattered the earth. Cripes, this is embarrassing. The enemy hasn’t even shown up yet and we are fighting amongst ourselves. It would have been humiliating had this entire war not been a farce. The group quelled slightly as movement emanated from somewhere beyond the veil of mist. Was the ‘enemy’ here at last?
What is Dead May Never Die
In Ghostly Flats
Jun 19, 2023
In the center of the group, the ambient light began to gather and twist itself into a shape that was vaguely feline. Before their very eyes, the outline of a cat sharpened from the amorphous starlight. Nightfall released a sigh as the pressure of manifestation passed through him. “Greetings, Leaders and Warriors.” His gaze rested briefly on each face, pausing upon Mercuryrose and Hazelface a touch longer than the others. “I am called Nightfall. I served as RiverClan’s deputy many moons ago, and gave my life in service to my Clan.” He settled back on his haunches, feeling a sense of weariness that showed only in his eyes. “It is StarClan’s understanding that you seek the truth of recent events. Although I gather that we had already warned you of the coming dangers, it is clear that you require yet more explanation.” A hint of irritation crept into his tone, but passed as quickly as a darting fishes shadow beneath the water. “Beware the toms who speak falsely– you have gleaned this much, for I do not see them among us tonight. For their hearts are not their own. It is fair to be unaware that the dead may return in the skin of the living, it has been many moons since this occurred. Only strong feelings of hate, or of love, can overcome the boundary that separates us.” Nightfall nodded sagely, closing his eyes for a moment before he continued. “To put it in terms that leave no room for misinterpretation, they are possessed by the essences of two cats from the Dark Forest. They seek vengeance for perceived wrongs– they wish only to make others suffer as they have, out of pain and hatred. But who would do such a thing? They are not of lions, of tigers– who does this leave, among the great Clans of old? No cat has been named Cheetah in some time, it is true. Think!” His tail swished agitatedly. “Panthers also walked the forests of old, did they not?” “Nor of gold, or of silver. These words do not describe the other assailant. That leaves us with a much more common metal.” He rose to his feet, gazing at each of them. “The cats possessing your fellow Leaders are Copperheart of SkyClan, and Pantherstorm of RiverClan.” He nodded astutely, pleased to see some of them had put the clues together. “You must kill them at the same time, not precisely, but it is best that they both be in the realm of spirits when your Leaders return to their bodies. Once back, our StarClan Warriors with the traitors, on our end.” His eyes flashed as he spoke.

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