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In ThunderClan Camp
Medicine Cat
May 29, 2024
BASILFANG The Dedicated Warrior of Thunderclan Having been taking a break beside the warrior's den, Basilfang's ears twitched as she heard cats padding into the entrance of the camp, shortly followed by a number of pattering paws. For a moment she wondered if they'd been invaded, lowering the leg she had been in the middle of grooming and sitting upright, preparing to move if needed. Upon seeing Hawkstar and Dawnpool, however, the fur that had begun to rise around her shoulders lay flat, before her brow raised in utter bewilderment at the sight of a gaggle of kits following behind her leader and his new mate. It was... certainly a way to make an entrance, that much was for sure. Now, Basilfang didn't hate interacting with kits, she just... didn't quite know how. She often scared the young ones, and bored the older ones. After all, her mind was so preoccupied with the 'here and now' that didn't give her much room to participate in their games. And yet... if she was to one day hope to strive to become Thunderclan's leader... Basilfang knew it would have to be a hurdle that she was going to cross. And she... had to admit, her heart ached for these kits. Being separated from their families against their will... she herself had gone through the same, in a way, after all. Sure, she could have followed her family to Shadowclan, but her life would have been entirely unhappy there... therefore, remaining with her birth clan was the only option for her. Looking up at Hawkstar, Basilfang stood up and dipped her head. She silently moved to sit forward from the crowd of assembled cats, indicating her participation. GRIZZLYTOOTH The Grouchy Bear of Thunderclan In stark contrast to Basilfang, however, Grizzlytooth had been laying with his chin on his paws, soaking up some sun after a particularly eventful hunting patrol. He had managed to pull a muscle in his shoulder and so was advised to take it lightly, but he had to admit... it was frustrating to be treated like an incompetent apprentice. He was a senior warrior, feeding his clanmates- he'd pulled a muscle to secure the catch on a particularly troublesome squirrel, he should be praised, not punished! The older tom huffed through his nostrils, stumpy tail lashing in frustration as he pulled himself up onto his haunches to observe the meeting. Thinking about it... Hawkstar didn't know about his little shoulder pain, annd besides... surely looking after some kits wouldn't be so bad? It'd get him away from his prescribed bed-rest... and... he had to admit, it had been a long time since his niece was a kit... he also had to admit that he missed when Cinderspark was as young as some of the assembled kits. "I'll help, Hawkstar, if I'm allowed." The big tom grunted, moving to join those volunteering. With any luck, the kits would be too scared of him to misbehave. After all, his stern look was known for being enough to make even the most rowdy kits behave...
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House of Shadows
In Clearing
Medicine Cat
May 24, 2024
HOLLYSTORM Stoic Warrior of Shadowclan The unrest in Shadowclan had been getting to Hollystorm. The normally stony-faced, fairly-silent she-cat had just returned from hunting when the fight had broken out. Two frogs swung from her jaws as she saw the two toms fighting over who of the potential leaders they supported more. She... tried to think of what her mentor, Grimrose, would do. And yet... her mind was pulling blanks. Dropping her fresh-kill on the pile, the young black molly rolled her eyes- since when were clanmates supposed to fight like kits...? Although... the more she thought about it, the more it motivated her... Hollystorm moved to Ravenclaw's side. ORCHIDFIRE Little Spitfire of Shadowclan "UGHHHH-- STOP FIGHTING!" One of the cats who had pushed to pull the two toms off of each other, Orchidfire's multi-coloured eyes narrowed as she sassed them alongside some of her clanmates. She had pulled Bigfoot back by the scruff- despite her smaller stature, Orchidfire made up for it with her sassy personality. "Nothing's gonna get decided with you two squabbling!" As much as she wished Starclan would just give them the answer already, she had to admit... it wasn't looking likely at this point. Once contended that the two toms weren't going to tear each other's throats out, she sat back. "No offense, everyone. But surely picking sides like this is just going to cause issues in the long run?" Regardless, Orchidfire gets up and moves to Aspenwood's side. "Just saying."
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the rabbit and the leopard [leopardpaw + rabbitpaw]
In Starlit Cave
Medicine Cat
May 24, 2024
Rabbitpaw The enthusiastic apprentice of Shadowclan Of course, Rabbitpaw had attended the apprentice ceremonies of Shadowclan's newest apprentices, but as he cheered their names, he mourned the loss he'd experienced. The fact that two of three of their parents still lived and were able to see them become apprentices... and yet, he still felt their loss. Deep, like a chasm. Sure- they'd all been young when Mercuryrose had died before being able to claim her place as leader of Shadowclan, but that didn't make it any less painful for her kits, nor for her clan. Rabbitpaw's long ears twitched as he heard the silver apprentice approaching, chin resting now on his paws, Rabbitpaw clearly didn't move quick enough. Before he knew it, Leopardpaw had bumped into him. Instinctively, he got to his paws and shook himself out, before moving to help the other tom out as he flailed- although... "Pffft- you look like a frog." With his lips twitching up into a big smile, Rabbitpaw reached down and pulled the other tom over onto his front so that he could get up. "I didn't know frogs had fur and tails!" As much as it could have come across as mean, Rabbitpaw hoped that his friendly tone would make it much more obvious he was joking. Despite being in the nursery together, Rabbitpaw had been a loner- being a single kit and having his family issues keeping him very preoccupied and doted-on by the other queens, but he had to admit... Leopardpaw had made him feel a little better right now.
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Into The Cold I Go. [OPEN]
In WindClan Camp
Medicine Cat
May 19, 2024
Littlewoods The kind-hearted medicine cat of Windclan The little tom looked instinctively to Daisykit as she followed out of the medicine den. Quickly, he stooped to her level and rubbed at her chest with a paw to ease her coughing somewhat as she spoke, allowing her mother to take over once she arrived. He flicked his tail and brushed it across the kit's forehead, checking that she wasn't nursing a fever- just in case. "I appreciate your offer for help, Daisykit, but you need to be focused on the journey." He let her down as gently as he could, "There will be a day where you can help me carry my herbs, but right now you need to be strong." Leaning in close, he added in a whisper to her. "...I think that Amberspark needs your help more than me. I'm sure a clever kit like you will be much more help taking care of your mother." He sat upright again as Daisykit's father, Swiftstrike, offered his help, bowing his head and placing down one of the bundles of herbs from within his mouth. It made sense to split the herbs between cats, therefore if one supply became damaged, it wouldn't leave his clanmates without any healing herbs. Sure, he was certain he could request aid from his fellow medicine cats, but minimising the need for that was always ideal. "Thank you greatly, Swiftstrike." He smiled at the tom as much as he could with herbs still in his jaws. "It's my responsibility as Windclan's medicine cat to care for all sick cats, and Daisykit is a pleasure to have around my den. She gets along well with Skipperpaw, having the energy around the place really helps keep every cat's spirits up." As Bumblenose approached, Littlewoods nodded and handed her the other herb bundle. "Thank you too, Bumblenose. How goes the evacuation of the nursery? I'm really hoping any of our expecting queens aren't feeling the pressure of the journey already..." He wanted to step in and help, but he knew that he was needed on high alert in case of any injuries. He watched as Hailgaze's younger brother, Lighthollow, pushed his way through the nursery entrance, returning with a couple of small kits in his jaws, followed shortly by their mother. He knew he could trust the warriors and queens, but it was still anxiety-inducing to see kits with their eyes barely open being taken from the camp much sooner than he'd like them to be. But with the way the camp was flooding quicker than ever, there wasn't much choice. "I'd like one final patrol right before we leave, just to double check we have every cat assembled safer up on the higher banks, especially the kits and elders...once we get moving, it will be much harder for Desertstar, Hailgaze and I to keep a consistent eye on every single cat." He knew his parents and siblings would be helping as much as possible too, and yet he couldn't help but worry, especially about Morningblush, with how close he was to his younger sister.
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to prove yourself is to survive | polarlights & eagletalon
In Winding River
Medicine Cat
May 18, 2024
Eagletalon The Misunderstood Warrior of Thunderclan Eagletalon just had so much on his mind, even though he'd tried to shake away the oppressive thoughts his head still felt marred by their persistence. Any cat with half a brain would know that he was his father's favourite son, that Hawkstar loved him so deeply and was proud of everything he achieved, but the rosetted tom just couldn't believe it. Copperheart hadn't helped either, undoing all of the progress that Hawkstar had made convincing his arrogant, self-important seeming son that he was worthy. And any cat would equally know there was nothing platonic about the way he'd been staring at Polarlights. The way she'd gone from a chubby apprentice to a curvy she-cat... he was a simple tom, at the end of the day, he was at the age where romance was to be expected, where cats would begin courting, settling down and beginning their families... but he just felt frustrated. Speak of the devil, though, as the she-cat's voice cuts through his thoughts like a claw, and he whips around to face her. The fur on his back that had raised flattens again self-consciously, and he grunts in response. "Easy for you to say." He mutters, before glancing away from her deliberately. "You were following me, weren't you?" He knows her far better than to just assume she'd happened upon him randomly. His tail twitched self-consciously as he lowered his voice. "Look...some cat has to do something about those twolegs, or our camp is going to be trampled by their kits."
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Into the Unknown (Clan Meeting! Open to All)
In Clearing
Medicine Cat
May 09, 2024
Raccoontuft The Mysterious Loner of Skyclan Newly-appointed warrior and another of Firestar's daughters, Raccoontuft flicked her ears as she looked up at her father sitting among the branches of the Sky Tree. It had soured her feelings of pride on becoming a warrior the more she noticed the whispers, becoming more and more aware of their insistence. But unlike some other cats of the clan, Raccoontuft hadn't told a single soul she had been hearing them or even acknowledging them at all. After all, it was part of her personality to be mysterious and vague. It would totally contrast her image if she started blabbing about her emotional turmoil, even though Roseglow was one of her eldest siblings. Not even Brackenwing, the terrifying senior warrior that was one of her half-sisters, would ever get to know. The older she-cat couldn't claw the information out of her, no matter how many patrols it made her late for. With so much of her family all congregated into Skyclan, she had to admit at times she longed for some space. As much as the dark tabby loved her family and her clanmates, it was oppressive at times to be surrounded by those you knew so closely at every moment of every day. She needed a break. Even if it was with relatives, a time away from the clan sounded great. However, as she went to open her mouth, another cat spoke up first. Cinderpeach The Sweet Flame of Skyclan "I'll go, Firestar." Cinderpeach offered, standing up quickly from the crowd of assembled cats. The uniquely-patterned calico molly lifted her head as she wove her way between her clanmates to reach the front of the crowd. She dipped her head respectfully as she looked up at her leader. "I have not had to face a challenge such as this head-on as of yet, but it would be an honour to serve my clan and our medicine cat as a guide for the journey." The demure molly blinked her baby-blue eyes, tail curling over her paws as she glanced somewhat nervously over at the ginger she-cat by her. Oh Starclan, Scarletshimmer hadn't noticed her, this was... this was her chance. It wasn't that it was her only reason for wanting to go, of course! But a chance to get her crush to notice her was... always welcome. She missed Raccoontuft's eyes burning holes in the back of her head from the glare, and remained entirely oblivious to the way the dark tabby molly glared at her for taking her chance away, as if Firestar would have wanted to send all of his kin anyway.
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Mending Wounds
In Medicine Cat Den
Medicine Cat
Apr 30, 2024
Littlewoods The Kind-Hearted medicine cat of Windclan The tom stirred just slightly at the sound of a voice by his nest and his tail twitched, but he didn't seem to wake completely until he was spoken to directly, likely much to Airheart's relief. With the Ripper causing the death and injury of more and more cats, Littlewoods had been somewhat stretched thin without an apprentice to help him. Sure, he'd managed to call on his previous mentors to assist him, but as Windclan's sole current medicine cat, he was doing all he could to be a comforting source that his clanmates could look to in this time of need. Safe to say, sleep was something the tom was learning to work without. His brow furrowed in concern as he sat up, stretching himself out and approaching the she-cat's nest. He'd been concerned about the warrior admittedly, it was always hard when cats lost something as vital as a limb or an eye... he just hoped that she was coping better than some cats would in her situation. "It's no bother, Airheart." Whilst she had woken him, it was his responsibility to be there for his clanmates so truly, he didn't mind being stirred from his sleep. He sat himself down beside her, taking a moment to check how her eye was healing up. Admittedly, with her eye still swollen it was hard for him to judge whether she would lose her eye entirely, so he was focusing first on treating her for the swelling until he could get a better idea of what was going on underneath. He had to hope that there was something salvageable to work with. "...But, is something bothering you perhaps? It sounds like... a silly question, I know... but how are you feeling? If you're having trouble sleeping, I can get you some poppy seeds. But I sense it may be something more than just trouble sleeping. Am I right?" The tom's tone was gentle as he looked at his clanmate with sympathy, his tail curling around and resting against her flank comfortingly. Some of his less wounded patients slept soundly further into the den, but with Airheart among his biggest concerns right now, she was one of his top priorities.
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I'm So Confused, Baybee, Can't You See? Pollenwasp Come Rescue Me, Sweet Little Bumble Bee... {{Pollenwasp and Baybee RP}}
In Secluded Falls
Medicine Cat
Apr 30, 2024
Baby / Baybee A Lost Kittypet, Searching for a Home "HELP!" A she-cat wailed, paws treading water as she flailed uselessly at the surface of the churning currents pushing her further downstream. Momentarily, her head vanished below the surface before she appeared again, coughing and spluttering up water. Just how had she ended up all the way out here in the first place? Well... it had been a long story. After her elderly twoleg had passed away, Baby had been left in his empty home. Sure, she'd been able to borrow food from her friends and their twolegs, but it was when her twolegs' kit came along that she had left home. He had brought dogs with him. And these dogs didn't like Baby. They'd snarled and snapped at her, tearing fur from her pelt as she barely managed to get away, leaping over the fence and losing her collar in the process. She could have gone to stay with one of her friends in the neighbourhood, but the dogs... the dogs were so bad she knew that it wasn't safe for her there, and that her twoleg's kit hated her enough to chase her out. So she began searching. She'd heard of the clan cats that made their homes in the woods among the trees and the rivers, and had began to wander in the hopes of finding one of them to take her in. However, she hadn't anticipated falling into the river whilst trying to cross, and being swept away. Baby knew she was going to die here. She knew that her waterlogged pale-ginger pelt was only dragging her down. This was until she saw a glimpse of fur along the riverbank, and began paddling with whatever strength she had left, trying and hoping she could make it to the riverbank.
Into The Cold I Go. [OPEN]
In WindClan Camp
Medicine Cat
Apr 23, 2024
Littlewoods The kind-hearted medicine cat of Windclan Littlewoods had been sleeping when the clan meeting was called, having been working tirelessly into the floods to try and protect the herb stores from getting soaked by the water that had pushed its' way into the medicine den. Patients had already been evacuated, but the little tom had insisted on sleeping beside the herb stores, determined that he would be there to protect as many as possible if the water threatened to surge even higher. It took a couple moments for him to stir once Skipperpaw prodded him but once his eyes were opened he was wide awake. Standing, he watched his apprentice as she seemed excited by the prospect of leaving camp. Whilst he probably should have chastised her for her inappropriate excitement considering the circumstances, he could understand her restlessness. It was something new, something exciting, and he knew many young cats would be feeling the same. "...Yes, We need to be ready as soon as we can, but for now, you should go and help our clanmates. I'll bring what we have left here. I would like you to be there in case anyone gets any injuries on the way. I'd like you to be at the front of the patrol, since it's your first time properly moving like this." Luckily, none of their clanmates so far had perished in the storm, and he'd like to keep it that way. Skipperpaw was still fairly new as his apprentice, and yet he had to admire her energy. It was a lot less challenging to teach an apprentice who was actually willing to learn. "And remember, Skipperpaw, listen to Desertstar and Hailgaze. I may be your mentor, but they will keep you safe. I will be at the back of the patrol, so don't be afraid to come to me if you need anything." Once his apprentice had headed out, Littlewoods began preparing herb wraps. It wasn't the neatest work he had ever done, but the little tom had thought ahead once the storm had begun setting in and had prepared some larger leaves to wrap his herbs in to keep them easy to carry. He wrapped neatly-tied bundles of herbs in tufts of rabbit fur and duck-feathers he'd managed to stop from spoiling, and wrapped them in larger leaves. He did not regret the choice of doing so, feeling much more confident that even when dipped in water, the herbs would be safe for long enough to be kept and still used. Picking up his leaf bundles in his jaws, the medicine cat hopped down from his raised herb storage, padding out into the clearing and making his way to Desertstar's side. His fur was already beginning to stick to him, and his tail twitched uncertainly across the muddy grass. "I need someone to take these herbs, they are wrapped well so if they get a bit wet, they'll be okay." The tom spoke through the bundles in his teeth. "I'll be at the back of the patrol unless I'm needed for any injuries, making sure every cat is keeping safe and no cat gets left behind. I have grabbed everything that is important from my den, so no cat needs to worry about it if it gets washed away. Our den can be replaced, but your lives cannot! Protect your clanmates first. We can rebuild our dens, we can rebuild our camp. But we need all of you here to do it." Littlewoods may be small, but his words carried a passion in themselves.
New Hope and New Faces [Medicine Cat Meeting]
In Mooncave
Medicine Cat
Feb 15, 2024
Littlewoods nodded his head in response to the other medicine cats' concern about Lighthollow, flicking his tail as if swatting away their worries. "Oh, he's fine... as most warriors do, he complains more than he actually is in pain." Littlewoods, despite his caring nature, had seen his fair share of warriors turn into little kits over the smallest injury. He always said that the more they complained, the more okay they were, since they could focus more on whining than trying to stay awake or upright. He listened with interest as Venomrose spoke of their kits with such pride, whiskers twitching with amusement. "...Yes, that does sound like Spottedkoi, doesn't it?" He'd met the Riverclan deputy before, and whilst she was competent with her duties, her... thousand yard stare often gave the impression that she'd eat a lot of things if given the chance. He had to wonder if it was some kind of condition, really. "Let's just hope Alderkit grows out of the pebble-eating phase." Littlewoods had to admit he was kind of relieved that Windclan's nursery and camp wasn't as... pebbly as Riverclan's, or he'd definitely have to deal with a lot more kits with upset stomachs and worse. Littlewoods waited for the rest of the medicine cats to get up before taking up the rear, guiding their newest members into the mooncave. His eyes took a couple of moments to begin adjusting to the darkness, and he smiled softly in response to Roseglow's worries. "Starclan will come to you, I'm sure. They'll want to meet you and share tongues just as much as you do with them." Littlewoods reassured, touching his nose to her tail-tip as he fell into step behind her. "And there's no harm in not dreaming. Sometimes... Starclan simply doesn't have things to say, but that doesn't remove a medicine cat's usefulness." As they entered into the mooncave finally, he allowed himself to properly adjust to the light. "You don't have to worry. Starclan knows what's best for your journey."
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