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Thriving on Chance - Lavender/Pied
In Fishing Stones
Dec 06, 2022
Lavendermoon riverclan | warrior Lavendermoon cursed under their breath as another fish slipped from their claws from their startled movement. A silence had fallen over the pair of RiverClan fishers for some time, giving Laven a chance to fall into intense concentration. However, their companions complaining and whining had jolted them back to the present. "Piedwren," their voice was a soft growl of frustration, "fishing requires silence and concentration." They turned to the Warrior with a grumpy frown. "If the fish have hidden its because you keep talking!" Her tail lashed out behind her, picking up bits of sand and tossing them a few millimeters away. They had managed to catch a couple of bigger fish and a few small ones, and although Piedwren's complaining had cost her a nice snack, he had a point. Huffing out a sigh, she turned back to the water and stared into the icy banks. Despite her patrol partners' complaining, it was actually rather warm for an early winter morning. With her thick coat of fluffed up fur, Lavender felt fine against the chilly breeze that carried cold from the river waters. Piedwren was ShadowClan, though, she had to remind herself. His coat didn't have the protective oils and extra layer of fur to keep the water and cold out. Groaning, she snatched up one of the small fish she'd caught and, keeping it tight against her claws, dangled it just below the waters' surface. Maybe she could lure a bigger fish out with its smaller prey. "If we catch at least one more big fish each, we can return to camp." Lavender uncurled their fluffy tail from their body and inched it closer to the cold tom-cat. While the hard working Lavendermoon wasn't a big fan of her lazy counterpart, she could still at least feel sympathy for the cat. She was stuck with his griping either way, maybe a bit of extra warmth from her fur would shut him up.
Beginnings and Ends
In Clearing
Oct 27, 2022
lavendermoon ☽ The afternoon was brisk. The air thick with the musk of leaves breaking down in the damp soil, replacing last years decaying crop. The thinly veiled drizzle that swamped RiverClan's camp weighed down the trees to a droop, creating opportune spots for cats to lazily drift from light nap to gentle snooze. Lavendermoon, one of these such cats, had overworked themselves again. With stress and anxiety high in camp over the sudden loss of their leader and the swift replacement in Copperstar, Laven had taken it upon themselves to head patrols and organize where it was needed. They liked the busy work, admittedly, it kept their mind and paws occupied, and alleviated some of the stress from the other Warriors who fretted about camp like doomsday chickens. After a flurry of morning and afternoon patrols, gathering fresh food for the coming long winter nights, and herbs to be dried and carefully packed away from the cold, Lavender had finally sat down to relax for only a moment, when their body caved in from the exhaustion. While the rest of the camp whispered and gossiped about Copperstar's journey, Lavendermoon was quietly snoozing among the willows and reeds. Truth be told, it wasn't Rainysky's call that awoke her. Rather an obnoxiously sized raindrop that splattered across the bridge of her nose. She had woken up startled, shaking her head to rid herself of the water, and rather confused. Grumpily she wiped away at the mess on her nose, upset she had fallen asleep in the first place. There was so much left to do and such little time! How could she have allowed herself to- She'd heard her name. Blinking, she looked up, ears swiveled towards where Rainysky was perched on the highrock. She squinted. Why was Rainysky on the highrock? Anxiety washed over her like a wave in a rainstorm. The Warrior stood on all fours and slowly padded towards the center of camp. So many eyes were on her. As she passed clanmate after clanmate, she did her best to settle into their gazes and pick apart at what she could have been summoned for in the first place. As they rounded the clearing, they found themselves embarrassingly alone and confused, sounded only by the chirps and calls of insects that made their afternoon rounds. They lifted their head towards Rainsky's confident gaze. The spot seemed to suit him, or perhaps he was used to being the authority, as a Medicine Cat. "Rainysky?" there was a soft confusion in their voice. Perhaps those who had been paying attention would attribute it to nerves. Lavender, however, understood very little.
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