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Sep 23, 2022
In Character Applications
lavendermoon ☽ name ⤜ lavenderkit, lavenderpaw, lavendermoon pronouns ⤜ she/they age ⤜ 25 moons sexuality ⤜ bi allegiance clan ⤜ river rank ⤜ deputy mentor ⤜ coldksky apprentice ⤜ spottedpaw personal skills ⤜ deep diving & mimicry scent ⤜ river stones & sea lavender appearance ⤜ long-legged blue point with soft lavender eyes. personality ⤜ devoted, loyal, cheerful, pretentious deep dive physical ⤜ long-legged with a dense, sleek pelt, laven has a typical riverclanner's build. their shoulders, however, are particularly muscled, as they frequently dive front-first in the spring and summer. likewise, they have a particularly large set of lungs well equipped to stay underwater for impressive amounts of time. their unusually long tail and coat keep them warm in the colder months, and against the frigid temperatures of the river. their eyes are smaller and excellent in the dark, but sensitive to sunlight. mental ⤜ laven is thoroughly dedicated to her clan and clanmates. she believes that all feline ancestors originally derived from clans, and that is the best and most productive way for them to live. loners, kittypets, and rouges are just wayward cats, lost on the path to rightful living, thus they must be gently guided back into the light. laven is dutiful to their faith, although it does not set the backdrop to their beliefs. while they believe starclan plays an integral part of clan-life, they are not strict in their religion. likewise, they believe that the warrior code is important, but flexible as needed. laven is like a cheerleader to their clanamates. she does her best to direct negative energy into productivity and eventual production of positive energy. they are genuine in their kindness and hope to provide their family and friends with safety and stability. lavender absolutely comes off as a pretentious prick to outsiders. while their efforts may be in good nature, others see it as pushy and preachy.
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