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I'm Not Yours, And You're Not Mine. But We Can Sit And Pass The Time. {{SleetswanXMorningsun}}
In The Island
Nov 14, 2023
☀️ Amber hues flickered around the small clearing as she took in the view of everything. It was so unique and something she had never seen. She was surprised that the other had managed to find something so unique like this without someone coming in and finding it as well. Had Sleetswan shown others in the past? Or was she truly the first one he had let in? Hearing the words fall from the white toms lips her ears flattened a little and her gaze grown slightly sad. Padding over to him she nuzzled his shoulder gently, "I'm so sorry for your lost I couldn't imagine how you were feeling then... Are you doing better now?" She asked softly tilting her head to the side a little before letting out a soft sigh. Hearing that made her heart hurt for the tom and to hear him talk lesser then himself made her shake her head a little. "On the contary love, I think you're an amazing tom, and have done a lot of great things, quite frankly I'm surprised you were never chosen for deputy ages ago... I know for a fact your mother is proud of you and will always be proud have more faith in yourself!!" She softly huff with another shake to her head. Morningsun was quite glad to get to spend more time with the other and despite the chances of not being the first to come here she was still glad that he had trusted her enough to show such a private place. Standing rather close to him her amber gaze went back to looking at the many different things around her, her tail slightly twitching a little.
a fight to remember || crimson & birch
In Murky Swamp
A discovery could be found || opal & osprey
In Clearing
Apr 13, 2023
To say that her mind was wandering about throughout the day was a complete understatement. Opalpaw had to remind herself rather frequently, that she still had her duty to learn about the herbs and things of that nature from her mentor Speckledmoss. Tail slightly twitching as she listened to the molly drone on she begin to wonder if nightfall was ever going to come. Sometime it was just nice to not focus so heavily on her tasks and to just simply explore the territory. The young molly was rather lucky to be able to explore parts of the territory that her peers didn't get to see but there were just times at which she feel as if her mind would explode at the loads of information she was being given. Granted her time out in the territory weren't entirely at free willed. There was a murderer lurking about and despite knowing very well that they should steer clear from getting in the middle of the investigation, Opalpaw just felt the urge to help her newfound friend out. She too was curious about what had happened that day and what they could 'do to prevent it so when the time finally came she was quick to sneak out to the meeting place the duo had agreed upon. By the time the molly had gotten their the tom was just a mere minute or so behind her as he arrived with quite eager to have her lead the way. Dipping her head in agreement she turned and briskly walked toward the area in which the body was found. "I'm not sure if there is any evidence left around here but maybe we could find something they didn't? I recall seeing some black tuft (im pretty sure you mentioned that to add here lol) of fur in his claws so maybe there could be some around..." She softly said, her gaze shifting towards the feline. "Should we split up and look around the area? We should definitely pay close attention to the grounds and bushes!" She chirped softly her ears twitching slightly.
one day, whats lost can be found || hay & tea
In Clearing
Mar 13, 2023
🍵 Teablossom had spent most of her morning telling her children to watch out for others, knowing how aloof they could get when playing about. The older her kits got and the closer they got towards their apprenticeship the more she begun to struggle keeping them in line. What more could she hold against them, when seeing the ginger feline make his way should could all but guess what he had to say. Since their falling out the duo had barely said much to one another, a part of her had missed the feline and was a little hurt about their falling out. Mustering up a weak smile she dipped her head towards them. "Hello there, I'm so sorry about those two, the closer they're getting to become an apprentice the more they act out. You'd think they'd be on their best behavior so they aren't held back but not them..." She trailed off trying to joke a little. "Pumpkinkit! Spottedkit! Come here!" She called out to them her tail twitching slightly as she watched the duo tumble over. Leaning down to their level she softly said, "I need you guys to apologize to Haysneeze, you girls need to pay better attention of your surroundings, you could get hurt." she scolded the kits her ears flattening slightly. Pumpkinkit let out a little huff before turing toward the feline. "Sorry Haysneeze I'll pay more attention..." She grumbled softly. The other kit chimed in as well before Teablossom dismissed them with a final warning before turning her attention back towards the tom. "Oh I suppose I've been doing just fine, how have you been dear?" She asked softly, her gaze never meeting his as she shuffled her paws slightly.
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I'm Not Yours, And You're Not Mine. But We Can Sit And Pass The Time. {{SleetswanXMorningsun}}
In The Island
Mar 13, 2023
☀️ Each time spent with the off- white feline meant quite a lot towards the molly, something about him just made her stomach turn with butterflies and she found her gaze searching for the tom anytime she had the chance to do so. Parts of her wished she had the courage to just come out to him and confess her feelings towards him but anytime she had the chance to do so she just second guessed herself and kept it to herself as she didn't want to ruin the relationship they had then. Who knew he'd have the same feelings as she did, the difference was the fact that he didn't fully understand, besides he had always been so serious about things in the past anyways, so it was always hard to tell what the tom was thinking anyways. Letting out a soft sigh she had sat alone besides the warrior dens as a way to keep herself preoccupied over the fact that today was valentines day and she was indeed alone once more. That was until the tom had came and asked her to come with him somewhere. It left her rather speechless, was he going to ask her out or was he even aware what day this was? Nearly bouncing alongside the tom as he lead her to his secret spot a soft purr coming from him as he listened to him chatter along. When they had arrived she was left rather speechless her golden hues widened at the sight before her. "Oh my... Sleetswan this is stunning! How did you find this place?" She gasped softly her gaze shifting towards the tom a wide smile crossed her face as she studied the other. "Thank you for trusting me with this... I promise I won't tell anyone of this place I promise!" She chirped softly her ears perked slightly.
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Ain't No Grave.. Will Hold My Body Down (Ripper Plot)
In Rolling Moors
The devil doesn't bargain || Sable & osprey/hawk
In Clearing
Feb 15, 2023
The molly was hesitate to follow after the tom, as much as she missed seeing the other, there were times in which she felt the guilt of a lot of things then she was willing to admit. But to not add the suspicions of her guilty conscience she ended up following after the tom. Her tail slightly dragged behind her as she listened to the chatter on as a way to avoid anything else. That was until the tom made a comment about the death of a peer, her throat tightened up as her heart slammed against her chest. Staring at the ground below she could all but wish that the ground below would just open up and swallow her whole. Knowing of what the tom had went through as an apprentice the last thing she wanted was to be like anyone who so willingly taken a life. Granted the life she took was a mere accident, overwhelmed with things that had gone on and the sudden influx of cats in the den with the avalanche that had occured during the winter storms and things like that she had truly didn't mean to give someone the wrong herb. It truly ate her alive and she couldn't bare to be put back in that situation. She couldn't trust herself so she had left, perhaps it was a cowards way out she wasn't sure. Claws sinking in the ground below she closed her eyes slightly, "I-it... was an accident, I'm not sure why the deathberries were even in our herb storage but everything was hectic.... Speckledmoss was running around there were so many cats in the den because of the avalanche and the influx of sick cats... I-i didn't mean to give it to them, didn't even realize until too late.." She mumbled faintly her lip quivering as she tried to not get over emotional. The guilt just simply dripped from her pelt as she avoided looking at the tom.
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The devil doesn't bargain || Sable & osprey/hawk
In Clearing
Feb 05, 2023
The molly felt a huge rush of relief flood through her as the tom allowed her to stay. The anxiety of not being able too ran high for her, dipping her head she softly said, "Im sure he will be understanding but I'd like a chance to learn new things, a new way of life I suppose. And don't worry I honestly really wouldn't want to be back in the medicine cat den anyways." She softly said before adding, "I'll do whatever I have to do to prove that my loyalty lies with thunderclan." She said raising her head her blue green hues shining. Following after the leader a small smile tugged at the corner of his paws her tail slightly twitching as she nervously looked around at her new clanmates her ears flickering as she listened to the tom speak, when he was done and had returned she couldn't help but dip her head once more. "Thank you so so much I promise I won't let you down" She softly said before stretching back up once more. She was just about to say something when a familiar figure came rushing towards them causing her to pause her heart turning to ice. She had regretted a lot about her time in skyclan and what had happened, some in which she continued to ignore that they had ever happen. She had felt the time they had spent as an apprentice was probably the best she had ever experience. She had grown to look out for the handsome fella. She had grown to really enjoy his straightforwardness, you could even say she was falling for him. It had hurt quite a lot for her to leave without saying anything to the tom. She truly wished she had said something, anything but Sablefire just couldn't find the words and had silently slipped away in the night to avoid that confrontation. Hearing the words tumble from his maw made her smile a little, he really worried about her? The fact that he was smiling at her really through her off seeing as the tom rarely ever smiled. "O-osprey! No I didn't know you were h-here...uh I never went back to skyclan honestly..." She softly said her ears folding back slightly as her gaze drifted off to the side a bit. When Hawkstar had said they were leaving she paused for a moment "O-okay thanks again Hawkstar.." She softly said.
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it'll be fine by dusk light I'm telling you, baby || reedling & aster
In Tunnel System
Jan 12, 2023
The molly couldn't help but frown a little, why the toms father would do such a thing confused her. Letting what he said rattle in the back of her head she gently pawed at the brown feline. "Your dad sounds like a total bully... The point of being an apprentice is learning how to be a warrior! I feel like making fun of or being upset at someone who's learning to be a waste of energy... I'm so sorry he's like that. And if I hear another cat be mean to you I'll go after them! Bullying isn't okay!" She huffed her ears standing up slightly as she puffed out her chest. Ears flickering slightly she shook her head, "Nightstorms close by with some other mentors it was this big thing to see how many we could catch in the snowy season I guess? Seeing as most of us have been apprentices during only new leaf when prey isn'tso scarse you know?" she softly added. Knowing the tom could get in trouble didn't sit right with the two toned molly. Ears flattening agaisnt her skull she sighed softly as her pale blue hues shifted to the side. "I'll make sure you won't get in trouble I'm sure I can convince Nightstorm to say you came with us and I have like some prey I did manage to catch earlier you can bring back too so it's believable okay? But I'd love to chat with you more on the way back! I already like you a lot!" She purred out softly as she wiggled her bum, "Last one out of here is a rotten egg!" She giggled softly before she bolted off towards the entrance. She paused here and there to make sure the other was following after her.
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a fight to remember || crimson & birch
In Murky Swamp
Jan 11, 2023
The molly narrowed her eyes slightly a frown painting her face, as much as she hated people wasting her time she wasn't in the mood to argue with the tom as she wanted to get this done just as much as he did. "Whatever." She simply said before she started to circle the tom slowly her gaze shifting over his frame. "I don't see how we need to go elsewhere, this area is just fine with the amount of area we can manipulate" she said for a matter of factly before stopping in front of the tom her gaze not moving from his face. She started to think of what would be the best and quickest route for them before she hummed softly. "I suppose I can let you attack for awhile so I can see how much work really needs to be done." She started before whisking away and going to the far side of the clearing not really waiting for them to say anything. "Don't worry I'll be gentle, I really don't need that kind of headache from Juncostar or Mercuryrose." She purred out in amusement before she crouched low as she watched the tom. From what she could recall from their growing up the tom had always lacked in that department. Hearing what his mentor would correct him on and just his overall skills she was surprised he managed to scrape by to become a warrior. "I have my work cut out for me..." She grumbled to herself as she waited for him. "Well come on Birchflame show me what you got." She called out her tail lashing slightly. When she said she would go easy on him she truly meant it.
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homecoming queen . laurelpaw, dante, firestar
In Clearing
Jan 11, 2023
Hearing the ginger toms voice speak out she turned her gaze over towards her new friends. "Just sit here I'll be back" She whispered softly before scoffing towards the tom voice. Clearly if there were ill intention from the rouge cat he'd have done something awhile ago. Pushing into the den before taking a seat in the middle her green hues piercing into the larger feline a frown dusting her face. "I'd have you know if it weren't for him I'd never would have found my way home." She coldly stated her tail twitching slightly. Last thing she wanted to hear was some form of slander towards the brown tom, yeah they may have had a detour as they had to deal with his brother and his dumb little control he had on his group. In return Dante had agreed to take her home, perhaps see if he could show his worth and stay. Which admittedly the tan molly was gunning for, she had grown a liking towards him and would hate to part way. Letting out a soft sigh her gaze dropped to the floor her ears flattening agaisnt her skull. "I mean what I said about him... Ceruleansky had asked me to go out by the border kind of close to where the water goes down. I don't remember what herb it was but normally I'd have complained and tried to get out of it because walking that far out really hurt my paw..but there wass just something about that day where I just really didn't want to go like it was wrong to do so or something. I'm not sure how to describe it but it was there... She still made me go chalking it up as me just wanting to be lazy which is fair I can't blame her so I went." She had started off, trailing a bit as she tried to keep her emotions in check not wanting to cry or anything like that. There was a part of Laurelpaw in which she'd felt she'd never find her way home. To never see her family and friends ever again it was all very real. Taking a deep breath she continued, " I had gone out there and hadn't realized there were some twolegs and their kits out there, why they were there I wasn't sure. I didn't see them until they had spotted me and I tried to run away and hide but with my luck I had tripped and fell and they had scooped me up and I tried so hard to get out of their grasp but they just had this tight hold I thought I was going to suffocate. Next thing I knew I was locked up in this weird box and they wouldn't let me out unless they were home. I continued to try and get out but each time I was forced back and I seriously thought I was stuck there." She mumbled quietly not yet realizing how much she really had to say about her time away. "One day they were dumb enough to not make sure they secured the box thing and I had managed to slip out barely and hid until they came out. The moment there was an out to the outside world I took it and managed to get away from their nest and outside the fenced area... I had spent I don't know so many moons trying to find my way out of the neighborhood or whatever Dante called it. It all looked the same to me and it felt like I was just going in circles until Dante came to me I guess I was causing commotions with all the kittypets, not sure why seeing as I wasn't bothering anyone. Anyways he needed help with something, I helped and in return he showed me the way home. If he hadn't done that I'd probably be stuck still looking..." She finished off as her green hues shifted up to the ginger tom, tears started to fill the corner of her eyes as she frowned a little. "I get it's not okay to bring anyone home but please be nice to him? Is there anyway he could stay? Prove his worth? He's very good at training and hunting and he hasn't went back on his word since I've been with him.. Please Firestar?" She begged softly as her stomach turned slightly as she shuffled her paw. She'd never imagine herself begging towards anyone ever but here she was doing just that. "You can even talk to him see what you feel for him!" She urged slightly.
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