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Jan 12, 2023
In Sunlit Clearing
The pale afternoon sun did nothing to warm the backs of those who weren't fortunate enough to have long fur. White cotton balls shifted through the skies not an ounce of snow coming to be seen. It had been a rather long morning for the old apprentice, being asked to go out and face the piles of snows to bring back what she could find for prey. It was her least favorite thing, despite being shy of two moons in becoming a warrior the molly seemed to be the size of a young apprentice. She had barely grown since leaving the nursery and it was well apparent that the feline would only grow another inch or so before she was stuck looking small for the rest of her life. To make up for her short statured she made it up in fur length. Glad to have that extra warmth during the colder season she set out to do her task. When the sun had made it past midday did she finally decide to turn back for camp only managing to get a bird or two she made the walk back her ears flattened against her skull. Wisteriapaw would have hoped to have found a few more pieces but after awhile she didn't see the reason to keep trying as it was apparent that any creature with a sense of mind wasn't leaving the warmth of their den which this molly wished to be. Pushing through the camp entrance she made her way towards the freshkill pile depositing what she had in its meeker hole. Knowing her mentor wouldn't have much for her to do after this she had decided to head towards the apprentice den. It didn't hurt to get warmed up, perhaps work a few knots in her hind legs or two. The gray molly hadn't even made it close before she heard her name being called. Letting out a huff the feline turned to see who was bothering her. Her blue hues narrowed as her gaze landed on the light brown tabby tom. He had became a warrior a few moons prior, leaving the den rather quiet since the rest of his siblings also followed suit. Wisteriapaw had grown rather fond of him despite his well messy behaviors. Admittedly she found the rather unique and despite how she felt with the mess afterwards she enjoyed seeing what creations he'd come up with. Padding over towards the larger tom she let out a soft huff, "Is there anything I can do for you dear? I was just about to go warm up. I've been out all moning in the snow." She whined lightly her gaze resting on his face curious as to what he really needed.
the touch that he planted, the garden he left || tumble & wisteria content media
Jan 09, 2023
In Sacred Grounds
It had been a moon or so since the gray feline joined the ranks of Skyclan, being born and raised as a nomad who moved from place to place. Seeing the world in a clouded lens the tom had it somewhat rough growing up. Dealing with the hardship of not knowing when his next meal was, to fighting for the temporary territory his family would find for the week the tom had learned to not trust anyone. With his time spent outside the walls of the clan the tom had really learned how to fight, sometimes not even fairly. He was rather good at it and he very well knew it and had no problems challenging those who stood in his way. He lived a rather careless life. And because of his carelessness it had resulted the death of one of his sisters. Having been a total accident he hadn't noticed when someone he had managed to get in a silly fight had snuck away pinning his sister in a death grip the tom froze. Having to think of his next move to get them out of the situation he had gotten them in he was afraid there was no way for his sister to survive the encounter. He was right when it came to that notion, he only made one minor move and Mockingbird's body fell forward. Anger at not only himself but to the stranger he did the one thing he knew was right. An eye for an eye, body cold with rage the tom had ended the strangers life. The duo had gone out by themselves to find some food to bring back to the family, that was all they had to hear. Hearing his mother say to avoid any fights as it was common with the short tempered tom. The one thing he was told not to do he had done. Guilt ate its way in the pits of his stomach as he mourned his lost, burying his sister's body and banishing himself from his family he had vowed to stick alone, so something like this wouldn't happen he left without a goodbye. Moons after he found himself at the doorsteps of skyclan, having been alone for some time he felt as if this could be a chance for him to learn from his mistake, being allowed to stay and shortly proving his worth he was shortly promoted to warrior. Each day he'd do his daily tasks no questions asked, and each day he noticed a molly who'd sleep during the day and was up way late into the night. Not hearing much about the molly from his peers he grew rather curious, endless questions about who she was would filter throughout his mind each day. He just had to meet her, see what her deal was and why she never was up during the day. Was it normal for a cat to be so nocturnal? Hatching a plan with himself on a day he knew he could get away with sleeping in majority of the day he'd do just that, so when the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon rang out he could finally see what the white felines deal. When his plan was well underway the tom had done just that, slept until the sun had started his decend down the sky, the fanding blues turning into a warming purples the tom had laid motionlessly in his nest. His stormy blue eyes slightly closed as he waited for the molly to wake for her day. It had felt like an enternity before she did that and was out with a blink of an eye. Waiting until she was gone he pushed himself up out of his nest. If he for whatever reason was stopped he had planned to say that he was restless and needed some fresh air so he could fall back asleep. Unsure if him being out and about would cause him troubles. It had taken quite awhile before he could finally pinpoint where the molly, deciding to just causally bump into her as a way to enact a conversation he moved forward with that. Keeping his gaze low he came crashing into Frozenberry's side, acting as if he was surpised the feline stood there. "My apologize. I didn't see you there are you okay?" He coolly asked his gaze resting on the mollys face.
sunflower still grows at night || coal & frozen content media
Jan 09, 2023
In Nursery
Clearly there was so much the young molly had missed during her time away from skyclan, having finished her little meeting with Firestar and talking to him about what had happened and learning the disappearance of her mentor and parents to finding out her close friend was expecting kits it left her more emotional then what she was expecting. Deciding she was going to push it to the side and deal with it at a later time she had promised Dante she'd find him afterwards. Quickly making a beeline towards the nursery wanting to see it for herself. Sad to have missed out the gossip and knowing who the lucky fella would be the molly was just happy to know her friend was happy and safe. Not realizing what tension she could cause with just randomly showing up she burst into the nursery. Then it hit her, if she was expecting then it meant she had well become a warrior at that point, which also then meant her siblings should have also gotten their names too as the two litters were born very close to one another. Slowing down she blinked for a moment or so and just took a seat letting her green hues shift about the den before landing on the feline. "C-cosmo! Congratulations, Firestar just told me you're expecting!" She softly said a weak smile crossing her face. Letting her gaze scan the molly's face she just let everything really soak in for once. She had been gone for so long, it had felt like it was for an entire lifetime, did they look for her when she had been captured? Would things ever feel right too her again now that she was back. Ears drooping slightly she let her gaze fell to the ground. "I'm so sorry for missing so much..." She mumbled softly. To say she was neverous to hear the felines reaction all she could do was brace for the worst. She simply hadn't meant to disappear, and the fact it had taken her this long to find her way back was completely different story.
sweetheart, you look a little tired || cosmo & laurel content media
Jan 08, 2023
In Murky Swamp
With the h threat of war between Shadowclan and Thunderclan hanging so thickly in the air, the need to ensure that everyone's skill was more up to par then usual was high. Those who normally weren't a fighter was expected to train with someone whose skills were more advance then the other. Being the latter of the two Crimsonsky wasn't really excited when she was tasked to babysit Birchflame. She personally found the task to assist the tom in being a better fighter was a waste of her time. Why have someone potentially get in the way when the war between the two clans ensue? Wouldn't it have been better to have the strongest warriors going into the battle then the weaker ones? Granted she found the reasoning for said battle to be utterly stupid. Why make so much over kits who's mother died and the father was willing to take care of them despite what clan they may be. She felt like there were much better things to waste their energy one like for instants, renly and his companion. Seeing as everyone had someone die at their paws in their act of murder she was questioning Juncoberrystar's leadership in some way. Granted she wasn't really in the mood to argue with anyone about her concerns. Letting out a bored sigh the ginger molly marched toward the murky swamps, not really caring if the tom was following her or not. Once reaching the middle of the clearing the grumpy molly turned on her heels her bright blues narrowed as she impatiently waited for the tom to hurry up. "Birchflame lets just get this done and over with. I got better things to get too today. What exactly are you not understanding about fighting? Do you want to just do a practice fight or are you wanting to show off your skills or what?" She drawled out, taking a seat in the middle as she picked at her teeth with a claw. Clearly bored with this already before it had even started.
a fight to remember || crimson & birch content media
Jan 07, 2023
In The Dock
Taking a deep breath the small feline crept closer towards the doc, having accompanied the large tom out on a hunting patrol the molly was quick to accept. It was almost as if Strikingadder could read her mind, the want to keep busy yet being around the tom brought her complete joy in life. Having met the fellow out on a border patrol hanging on a measly thread of life the molly was lucky enough to help nurse him back to help and show him the ways of clan life. Each time Paintedleaf got to hang around the other and get to know them, the more she would find herself seeking for him in the early mornings, like it would be the end of the world if she couldn't snag another patrol with them. Just like herself Strikingadder was one to keep busy, it was almost as if he couldn't slowdown and simply smell the roses once in awhile. It was admirable but also sad sometimes. This was the norm, a thing they would do without skipping a beat every single day and if you had asked Paintedleaf in the past she would without a doubt tell you she was fine with the way things were. But as they grew older and mutuals and close friends settled down and started having families did the molly start to question her way of life. Was she really okay with working every single day? To never have kits o her own or getting with someone she felt was the 'one''. Letting out a soft sigh the molly slowed down to a stop, "Let's see if there's anything hiding under the docks. If we can't find anything we can try some place else. I just hope we can find something soon..." She trailed off softly before catching up to the chocolate tabby. Glancing up at him she paused for a second or so. Without hesitation the molly said, "Strikingadder have you ever thought about having kits? Slowing down for a moment and just taking things in?" Staring squarely at the tom as he walked ahead once more. Realizing what she said could have been rash she gaze a swift lick to her chest to calm any nerves she cleared her throat a bit, "I just know a lot of our friends are settling down and was just curious on what you thought about it you know?" Hopefully that was enough to cushion her question.
I can't help but love you || Striking & Painted content media
Jan 07, 2023
In Clearing
The pale morning sun bore down on the clans below, large fluffy clouds speckled across the sky the snow that kissed the ground was a mere few days old. The lonesome queen watched her kits play about in the snow in front of the nursery. It had been a few moons since most of her litter unfortunately passed away a few days after birth. Being left with one and adopting another she found left starved in the clans territory on one of her many walks she took to keep her preoccupied from the looming depression that came from her lost. To make matters worse her mate, the fella she thought she'd spend the rest of her life with ran off with another clanmate denouncing her as his mate and the child she bore. Blue hues shifting between the kits as she kept a close eye on them "Pumpkinkit please be careful with your sister, she's a lot smaller then you are!" She called out her ear flickering as she slightly stood up in her sitting position. The small orange and red molly let out a soft squeak and quickly got off her sister "Sorry mama!" they called back, sending a tail flick their way. As the days wane on, Teablossom was able to work past the negative feelings. The days she wanted to be in complete and udder solitude coming very far in between one another. But to say she was completely over it would be an understatement. She just knew she had to be strong and be the best she could be for the kids she did have. Not wanting to come off as neglectful or that she wasn't glad to at least have some of the kits survive despite who the father may be. "About five more minutes before we go back inside the nursery for a nap! You guys need to warm up before you get sick!" She cooed out softly.
 one day, whats lost can be found || hay & tea content media
Jan 03, 2023
In Tunnel System
It was mid-afternoon when the young molly went out with her mentor for a little hunt maybe even some training throughout the territory in the aspect of tracking things to battle training. Asterpaw had rather enjoyed her apprenticeship so, having been given her name a few moons prior she had just simply soaked it all in. Being able to finally able to see what the world was like outside the confiments of the camp. Learning what it's like to being a warrior and the things needing to be done to protect the clan left her in awe and kind of scared her in a way. Hearing the stories of the killings from renly to the war that captive the neighboring clan made her worry, what would happen if she had to be put in that situation so soon? Would she ready for it or be in the way? Whatever it was she wanted to be ready, her loyalty with her clan was strong despite her young age and she was willing to throw her life away to ensure her clanmates were protected the best she could muster. When Nightstorm had told her to go down to the tunneling systems to see if she could find some prey to hunt, all they while being sure to find her way back out and avoiding getting stuck down there the molly was rather eager to please the feline. Quick to shoot down she made sure she was attentive to her surroundings. Maw just slightly open as she tried her best to scent anything that didn't smell like wet dirt. After some time the molly was starting to wonder why she was sent down not yet finding anything but dirt, more dirt, and even more dirt. "Gahhhh whyyyy" she whined softly to herself starting to grow slightly frustrated with the fact that she was getting no where with her task. That was before she heard something. Pausing in her pawsteps her ears strained to hear, was someone down here? Frowning slightly she slowly crept forward turning into a large area, a little stream running through the middle of the small cave a cluster of cats close by it. "what the...." she mumbled her frown growing more. Brows pinching together she continued to creep forward curious as to why they were down there. She noticed a few of her peers having battle trained with some she was able to finally hear what they were saying she gasped something her eyes widening. To her it sounded like they were bullying someone who she could finally make out in the middle of this group of cats. Springing out she pushed her way to the middle before turning in the middle. "Excuse me! What do you guys think you're doing? This isn't okay!" She hissed softly her tail twitching.
it'll be fine by dusk light I'm telling you, baby || reedling & aster content media
Jan 03, 2023
In Pointed Stones
The black feline had spent his morning grooming his long fur, his ears fluttering each time someone was walking by as a way to see if Sagetalon had woken up for the day. The duo was tasked to go out hunting for the day, maybe even do a border patrol while they were at it. Seeing as it was all on this felines schedule for the day he didn't see the need to rush to getting a head start on it. So when the other feline was certainly taking his time to wake he didn't really bother waking him. Stretching out slightly the feline let out a little yawn as he turned his bright blue hues over to the entrance a small frown playing on his shadowed face, "dang you'd think the sky was falling before he gets his butt up for the day..." he grumbled to him. He wouldn't be surprised if the other would spend the entire day in there before he managed to go in and tell him what was up. Rolling his eyes slightly he sat up from his laid position and started to draw a pink tongue over his paw, drawing it over his ears as he continued on. Despite how antsy he was starting to feel he refused to go in and wake the other. Not only because he was sure the other was out late the night before but also because he could simply hang it over their head for the rest of the day. And that notion completely pleased him, the fact that he could so easily tease the other and what not any time they've gone out on patrol made things go by so much easier. Most often then not he'd focus rather hard on completing things as they came to him and seemed rather dull and cold towards those who didn't know him. Yet this silly feline made him feel... different. It was something Ebonysky couldn't put his paw on but he choose to not question it for the sake of keeping things the way it was. Ears flickering as another feline pushed their way out the den his blue hues narrowed, "Ah... Sagetalon very nice to see you're finally awake. I was starting to worry you sank in your nest or something.... We just have to hunt and maybe swing by the borders some time today." He calmly stated before pushing up from his seated position his tail twitching as he motioned for the tom to take the lead. "Lets start with the pointed stones yea?"
nothing but banter || sage & ebony content media
Jan 03, 2023
In The Dock
Soft white clouds slowly trickled across the pale cold morning, the sun barely making its existent as it made its way to the highest part of the sky. Fresh blanket of snow laid snuggle on top of the old, the cold clearly showing that it had no rest for the wicked. Having been many moons since her encounter out in the territory had left her quite.. nervous to go out and about by herself. Pale blue hues shifting about rather quickly hears flickering in the morning breeze as she tried to ensure that no one was paying close attention to her. She rather hated it, feeling as if people were talking negatively about her when most often it was never the case. Growing up she was heavily picked on, for what reason as to why? It was certainly a mystery for her. No matter what attempts she had made to change that kind of attraction towards her failed rather miserably and resulted in a slightly worse torment. It made her rather cautious and skittish on the daily. Though with this last time the run in with the marbled tom caused her to pause for a moment. The fact that he was willing to even help her truly struck some odd nerve within her. Lavendermoon had spent her time looking out for the feline, but never really finding the courage to go up to him. There was a part of her in which she felt as if she had annoyed the tom in some way, maybe he detest her for how weak she was? The fact that she was even a warrior was remarkable. That was until she was tasked to go out and hunt once more, the prey becoming rather scarce with the winter weather and the constant wars and battles the clans had currently witnessed the need for prey was just rather high. Seeing the tall feline she hesitantly walked up to him her gaze slightly on the ground before her, "C-clayflight do you want to come with me hunting...? I-it's uh okay if you don't want too..." She softly said as she pawed the ground in front of her, her ears flattening against her head for a moment.
devil's there looking right at me || lavender & clay content media
Jan 03, 2023
In Willow Grove
It had felt like the molly never got to see her close friend since becoming a warrior all those moons ago, no matter how much the sandy molly tried to sneak away to at least say hi or see if the duo could work together it had felt as if Inksong would change her mind last minute or magically the other had to go out on patrol instead. She'd be lying if she wasn't hurt by it, having been slow close as apprentices to now having a friend let alone someone she thought she'd be able to finally confess her feelings for was becoming flakey more and more as the days past. What really struck a nerve with the molly was the fact that she noticed the molly hanging out with others. Not that Oriolepetal had much reasons to tell her who she could and couldn't hang out with. She truly didn't want to come off as controlling but it just made her feel as if the other molly was purposely ditching her for the, Unsure as to what this tan feline did she went about her days afar, seemingly any and all attempts to get some actual alone time would be deemed impossible. Over that time her hurt feelings and jealousy started to grow. She was sure they were fine? They had such a blast on that hunting patrol and were talking with one another for the rest of the day so why there was such a change was beyond her. When the day had came for them to go out to hunt the feline was rather huffy about it. Rolling her amber hues she stalked ahead the other feline not saying a word to her as she wove her way through the clearing and out to the territory towards the willow grave. After so much time had came and gone Oriolepetal wasn't sure how to act, wither to be happy to finally see the other or upset with the fact that now after all this time? It was certainlly unlike this young warrior, being one who was always so loving and happy to be around this cold deminer was a complete 360 from before. Tail twitching she let her gaze shift around her maw slightly open to see if she could sense any movement in the undergrowth before moving on to the icy rivers.
a sense of jealousy || Oriole & Ink  content media
Jan 03, 2023
In Clearing
The last few moons had come and gone in a complete and utter blur, where and what had happened for the large feline was all but left to the imagination. Whatever had happened he could confidently tell you that he truly had no idea. It was almost as if he had the case of amnesia. Large puffs of clouds slowly drifted across the skies as the snow crunched under his heavy paw steps. Tail pinned against his hind legs and ears pinned forward the feline had slowly trekked through shadowclan territory as if he was on complete and utter pilot mode. Luckily having spent the entirety of his life walking through this very terrain so even if he was with it or not his body would just simply know where to go. Hunger pangs erupted in the bits of his stomach his amber and blue hues hazily shifting around as he slowly pushed his way inside the clearing. Fallowstream wasn't sure what he was doing here let alone what to expect as his gaze shifted about. Head slightly pounding his slumped forward onto the ground unaware how exhausted and hungry he felt, eyes slightly closing as he let the slowness catch up to him. Clearly he had been traveling for quite awhile.
leaking boats & broken things || Fallow & Rose content media
Dec 15, 2022
In Nursery
Cold crisp air slowly made its way into the windclan nursery, snow clinging to the ground as if it had no other real reason to exist. The coldness wasn’t for the faint of heart, those who weren’t graced with long fur or were too tiny to realize their misfortune. The day was still quite young when the young kitten stirred in her foster mothers nest, squirming slightly as a way to maybe stay asleep the molly just simply couldn’t. Overall excited for what the day could bring Havenkit slowly opened up her ears, flickering slightly as a way to sense if others were up and about. The world to the kitten was unfortunately rather dark, being born with the lack of eyesight other than being able to see shapes or ‘blurs’ of objects and other cats was what she viewed the world. With that notion her other senses were as if it was haywire. What would be considered normal for others hers was just ever so slightly better and would continue to grow the older she got. Hearing others kits chat in the nest next to her the molly scrambled up to her paws. Not yet hungry, she decided she’d try to see if anyone wanted to play a game. “Good morning! Does anyone wanna play a game of tag or something?” She mewed out her ears flickering as she hopefully waited for someone to answer her tail twitching slightly. The molly would obviously understand if others weren’t in the mood just yet as most were barely getting up for the day but a cat could be hopeful right? Hopefully someone was willing as there was just so much the feline wanted to do that day. She could all but imagine the many fun games to be played and perhaps they were lucky to go out into the sun for a little?
harmless fun || Cricket & Haven content media
Dec 13, 2022
In Dock
Pale sunlight broke through the winter clouds, warmth was no where to be seen as the winter months begun to take its toll on the forest below. Those who weren't fortunate enough to have the long fur to help combat the cold. Snow had slowly laid to rest on the ground, any source of water being frozen over. When it came to catching prey in Riverclan those who were graced with the talent to ice fish helped the clan push through the cold months. Those who weren't so lucky had to find a way to find prey that were dumb enough to stay hidden in their warm nest. The young molly was tasked to go out on a simple hunt that very morning, only a few were to go out to the streams to see what they could find in the area the ice was at its weakest. Unfortunately the blonde molly didn't have an inkling in what to do when it came to that, never been needing to learn in the past she just simply wasn't sure and admittedly was a little afraid to fish near the ice. She had heard stories about cats falling in and getting trapped underneath the ice which terrified her at that simple thought. What happens if that happened today? Not that it had in many many moons but there was always a potential possibility. Letting out a soft sigh Morningsun trudged after the small group before her. Perhaps she could find a way to sneak off and just find a mice or two? It would at least be something she could bring without coming up empty handed. "Jeez... I wish they'd listen..." She muttered softly to herself as her ears flattened against her skull, her amber hues shifted to the side as they drew closer, "Sleetswan I'm gonna uh... Look for a spot down there... you guys can go down that way okay?" She motioned to where she was going to go and then over to where they could go. Clearly she wasn't going to admit that she couldn't actually ice fish the embarrassment would have been way to major for her. Not giving much of a time to hear his response she turned on her heels and started walking off towards a little ways down. "Hopefully they won't come looking for me.." she mumbled softly to herself her tail twitching slightly.
Dec 10, 2022
In Clearing
Snow had dusted the ground once more, sending shivers down the spines of those who weren't graced with long fur. The snow hadn't been as harsh as the year prior, or so it seemed the start of the winter season. It had been a few moons since the young molly had departed the clans feeling the need to reconnect with her mentor out in the moonlight valley tribe. It was hard for her to make that decision, having friends and those who she truly cared and loved for but at the time it just felt right. What she was planning on to do with her life since she made her short departure from the medicine cat role. It had all came so fast and to say it didn't leave her scarred was an understatement. The day she left was hard for her and she had nearly didn't leave sad to go out alone but it was something that needed to be done. Moons had came and gone, finally meeting her mentor and the peers she then associated to, to finally meeting her father and siblings. Throughout her short period time in Skyclan she had known that she wasn't originally from Skyclan but had always thought she was at least from one of the other four clans so when her foster mom told her that they really just found her on the edge of the borders when she was a young kitten and who had left her had appeared to be a loner of some sort. The news from that only added to the list of things that had seemed to go wrong for her which had made her finally decided on rediscovering herself once more. When things seemed to mellow out for her and the new information being given to her she felt so full of joy and was slowly finally feeling happy with herself. Thats when the dreams and the strong feelings to go back to the clans started to occur, each day and night coming and going it was just the strongest feelings ever. So when the day had come for her to leave her new home once more she had sadly departed and made her trip back to the clans. At first she thought she'd go back to Skyclan so when she had gotten rather close she made the realization that it was Thunderclan that she needed to go too. Rather hesitate to go at first she took a deep before plunging into the trees of thunderclan meeting up with a random patrol which she need requested to speak with the leader. After what felt like forever she found herself before Hawkstar, dipping her head in respect the molly slowly looked up at him, "hello there, I'm not here to cause any issues, I came from Skyclan many moons ago I was the medicine cat apprentice at the time and was wondering if there was a possibility I could join Thunderclan....?" She asked softly her heart pounding loudly against her chest.
Dec 02, 2022
In Clearing
opalpaw A soft gentle breeze brushed against the land, not a sound could be heard. It was almost as if the earth simply knew the tragedy the clan had dealt with. A life was taken without a warning its reasonings unknown to those who questioned it. The young molly had barely begun her apprenticeship when it had occurred. Frightened by it, unknown to what to think of it as this was her first time to out what little medicine skills she had occurred. Grateful for the fact that her mentor Speckledmoss was so understanding and patient with her as she inspected the body of her former peer. From the wounds the tom before her had gained to the fur wedged in between his claws she could all but determine that he didn’t go without a fight, reporting her findings to those she needed too, the vigil for the deceased coming and going in what seemed to be a blank of an eye the molly was left to her mind. Possibilities of who could do such a thing to what her findings came up from her search to just mindlessly filter through. Having to be tasked to run out and check on some herb plants, ensuring its survival in the summer sun the molly had dipped her head in agreement before turning to go out. Perhaps she could take the moment to snoop about and see what she could possibly find without others hounding her for answers. A soft hum coming from her as she made her way towards the camp entrance.

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