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And the outcome will hardly come free.
In Clearing
Staff Member
Dec 15, 2022
Figheart Medicine Cat of ThunderClan Figheart had been overseeing the sick felines in his den, watching cats sleep on and off while the occasional coughing fit wracking their chests. He sought to their needs, tansy for the cough, catmint for those who seemed to be slowly slipping into greencough. This was the hardest time for medicine cats, any herbs used now could likely be all they have for the entire season. What if they ran out? They needed more water. Figheart shook off the dark thoughts wracking his brain and grabbed a few spare pieces of moss to lay out in the snow. As his head peeked out of the den, Hawkstar decided to call a meeting. He dropped the moss into a patch of snow and followed behind his mentor. He stood beside her, his stance glowering over many of the cats in the group. His breath caught as Hawkstar made his announcement. Did this tom think he led this clan alone? Without the guidance of his medicine cats? He steeled himself against his mate, comforted by her presence. A roar of meows erupted, their yowls echoing agains the cold stone caves they lived in. "Hawkstar, this is unreasonable. We know nothing about what the mother wanted for the kits. They were born in ShadowClan, maybe thats where StarClan wanted them to be. The mother is ShadowClan, she actually carried them to term, had to deal with being pregnant. If she didn't tell Ospereyshadow about the kits before, how can we assume she wanted him to know at all?" He spoke, his voice wavering. It was scary to speak against the leader. What if he was punished? He turned to watch Peachblossom go, almost seeming to give up. Thank StarClan for Hazelface. His expression softened as his mate spoke up, he turned to her with awe. She seemed to agree with him that the kits didn't belong here. A warm feeling sprouted in his chest, his pride growing. He turned back to his leader. "If something goes wrong, we could lose more than warriors, we could lose one of the kits! Any casualty will be our fault and StarClan won't forgive that, and ShadowClan definitely never will. The safety of the clan is more important than Ospereyshadow seeing his kits before their first gathering." And with that he stopped and let others speak. 🌱
Gathering (12/04/22)
In Ghostly Flats
Staff Member
Dec 08, 2022
Figheart Medicine Cat of ThunderClan Figheart smiled at the WindClan healer's words, "I feel just the same! Just tonight I was telling Peachblossom that perhaps we should keep more apprentices and elders at home during winter gatherings. No gathering is worth green cough," he responded, nudging his mentor as she fell in line beside him. Soon, everyone had arrived and a seemingly impatient Firestar began the meeting. When SkyClan hosted, Firestar always seemed to put on a little bit of a show. The young healer listened intently. His fur bristled. They'd found similar bodies in ThunderClan over GreenLeaf but nothing had come of it. A known murderer? And SkyClan had neglected to inform the rest of the clans? Then ShadowClan went, and ThunderClan answered in a roar. Figheart had been torn on the matter. He understood the wants of the father for the kits to return to ThunderClan, but what if this was StarClan's wish? As RiverClan's newest leader began to speak, a clear pattern was forming: there was a murderer within their midst, and the leaders involved did absolutely nothing to ensure the other Clans didn't fall into the same fate. "You think they would tell the other clans before the gathering, I mean, it's against the warrior code to kill another cat outside of battle." He mumbled to the other medicine cats. WindClan went next, and revealed more than just a civil war, but they had been visited by the same monster. Figheart eyed Littlewoods, "You didn't think to mention this to us?" He asked incrediously, a little louder than intended. For them, it had been random, but it seemed the other clans knew more than ThunderClan did.
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Gathering (12/04/22)
In Ghostly Flats
Staff Member
Dec 05, 2022
Figheart Medicine Cat of ThunderClan "Its so cold tonight, maybe we should have told more people to stay back," Figheart fretted to his mentor Peachblossom, glancing behind him at the rag tag group of felines in their care. ThunderClan was no doubt thriving under their new leader, but that didn't stop him from worrying about his clan mates. He'd barely been able to convince Hazelface to stay home, the love of his life who was so passionate and so stubborn, but also so very pregnant. Normally he wouldn't be able to sway the passionate she-cat, but the reminder of their impending family and the warm nursery waiting for her seemed to be enough to keep her home- as long as he updated her immediately when he came home of course. He was grateful she stayed home, it was one less thing for him to have to worry about. Figheart had mixed feelings about gatherings. He saw the good in them, the joyful chatter between old friends, the reminiscing on the past, but he also saw the leaders, who seemed to always put on this tough facade. The tension between the leaders, no matter their personal feelings on each other, was always so sharp you could claw it in half. They wanted to prove themselves, that they represented the best clan- but that wasn't what the clans were supposed to be for! The clans were supposed to help each other and live in harmony with each other. One wrong move and they could upset StarClan, and whatever disaster would follow would essentially be their own faults. The combined chatter of clan-cats and celestial beings grew stronger as they neared the gathering point. When they got there, it was almost unbearable, the mixture of sounds. Beings he couldn't even see, the ancestors of the clans, all seemed to have come to watch their gathering. Not that he could see them, but from the sounds of it, most people were just happy to see their families alive and well. Figheart approached the boulder the leaders were to stand upon, gulping at the sight of the leaders against the full moon. Would they behave? He glanced at Hawkstar, unsure what was to come from the night ahead. He turned to look at the other healers, suddenly realizing this is the first time he's seen any of them since his ceremony. "Good evening," Figheart greeted formally, dipping his head. "It's nice to see you all, how are your stores? I've found the late change in seasons this time has made some of our herbs dry unevenly. " He chattered away, happy to be able to speak to other cats who spoke his language: herbs. "Littlewoods, how is WindClan? I hope its not too cold this year on the mountain," he asked the WindClanner with a smile.
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Can’t Save Everyone (TC Plot)
In Oak Forest
Staff Member
Aug 02, 2022
Figpaw had been pacing outside his den, a usual occurrence for the tom who often seemed to be so deep in thought these days. There were members of the clan missing, for reasons seemingly unknown. Figpaw had nervously prepared some portions of traveling herbs for the search parties, and with the help of some kits, he was able to keep his warriors healthy and energized. But as the search parties came back empty, the older apprentice couldn’t help but wonder if there was more he could do to help. It had been a week and it almost felt hopeless. Under the orders to keep the clan calm, he used a lot of his free time ensuring the other clan members that “No, nothing is wrong,” and “No, we are not under attack”. Deep down, he wondered if it was the truth. The deep meow of Lightningwind brought his attention to the center of camp where a border patrol was beginning to form. He watched as Bunnypaw and Hazelface joined the crowd, an anxious feeling causing his short coat to stand on end. Peachblossom wouldn’t be able to handle it if her daughter went missing too.. and Hazelface.. well.. it couldn’t hurt to tag along could it? Maybe he’d find spot some herbs while he was at it. “Hey, wait up!” He called to the patrol, his long legs catching up to the group of felines in just a few strides. “Mind if I tag along? We’re low on our stock He followed the group through the forest, sticking to the back of the group as having all of his clan members in his sight provided a slight comfort. When they neared the Oak Forest however, he began to lose sight of the others. He followed Bunnypaw, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious and praying that this patrol would be just as boring as the others. Hazelface’s cry changed that instantly. The smell of death was something Figpaw had grown to recognize, a decaying body lay somewhere down. He approached with the apprentice by his side, wincing as Hazelface told Bunnypaw she couldn’t join them. He waited for her to walk away, waving off Stagfrost’s call with a flick of his ear. “Bunnypaw, you can go, but only you can decide if you can handle it or not. If you get too stressed, walk away. Smell the air, decide if you are ready.” He left her at that, pushing ahead of the crowd to get a good look at the body. He adverted his eyes from Alderpaw, the sight of his den-mate almost too unbearable. ‘Oh Alderpaw,’ he thought in his head, shaking it in dismay. Bunnypaw rushed ahead of him, pressing her body into the corpse. “Bunnypaw-“ he tried to call her back but it was no use. He approached the young tom’s stiff frame, reaching out with his paw to close Alderpaw’s eyes for the final time. “May StarClan light your path,” he whispered, only just loud enough for Bunnypaw to hear. The tom looked down at the apprentice by his side, mouth agape in horror and the sadness of her question. He sniffed, eyes misty as he turned to the rest of the party with the most solemn face he could offer. “We need to return him to camp, give him a warrior’s funeral.” He told Lightningwind.
Calm Before The [Snow]Storm!! {Medicine Cat Herb Exchange}
In Mooncave
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2022
They'd been walking for a for what felt like forever, way too long for Figpaw to tell how much time has passed. The sun hung in the sky, just beginning it's slow descent across, warming their furs even in the cold. In his mouth he carried soft, and fluffy moss which can only be found in the undergrowth of ThunderClan's territory. He'd taken careful caution not to walk too fast for his mentor, as his legs were about three times longer than hers, which caused him to have to learn to take large and slow strides. His ears flickered at the sound of his mentor's voice, his breath getting caught in his throat at the request. Keep the moss dry?! He heard his uncle's sharp chuckle from beside him and instantly shot the old ghost a dirty look before returning his attention. He'd definitely been salivating the entire walk and there was no way the moss in his mouth had remained to stay dry. He gave his mentor a weary look and opened his mouth so air could pass through his teeth. He was just so nervous! The young apprentice didn't like to think about the mooncave too often- or the reminder of the dream he'd had when sharing tongues with StarClan. The lad had awoken in a warm and summery-like field surrounded in wildflowers. No one had come to meet him, the only other sign of life was a large black butterfly which carefully meandered through the field. As he began to follow the butterfly, it led him to the other side of the field- the trees on this side were much darker than the other. The butterfly drifted through the trees, evading Figpaw's capture, until it lead him to a large banyon tree with a nest. As he greew closer insect started to shake and spasm until it turned out to not be a butterfly at all but a wasp! The wasp turned to him, growing angry until his whole swarm was behind him. Figpaw awoke just before he'd gotten stung- and instantly had to rise to the occasion and help his mentor and her newly birthed kits home. He still hadn't mentioned his dream to his mentor, embarrassed that obviously StarClan hadn't chosen him.. they didn't even meet with him! And his uncle.. well, Figpaw glared at his uncle again, the large black tom who lurked in his subconscious and bossed him around during his free time. Lately, he'd been insistent on Figpaw entering SkyClan territory to look for some old herb the apprentice had never heard of, but Figpaw had his own problems to deal with. A problem named Hazelwind. The cave grew closer and closer within the distance, and Figpaw's anxiety could only be egged on by the sudden eagerness of Peachblossom. "Yes ma'am," he replied to her request, dropping the moss he was carrying onto the ground and ripping up a small slice to make into moss balls. The apprentice walked towards the cliff's edge, dipping the moss into the water which naturally spewed from the cave. He returned swiftly, letting the moss balls fall into a pile. "How long do we have to stay for?" He asked, a hint of teenager attitude and whining behind his tone, "It's going to get dark soon and I told some of the elders I'd help with their stretches tonight," He wanted the opportunity to learn the history of the clans from the ones who had actually been there. It was also his uncle's favorite part of his day, the old tom would find a spot in the den and make his own comments alongside the elders, correcting history his way, or laughing at the falsities of history.
An Overripe Peach
In Mooncave
Staff Member
Jan 13, 2022
Figpaw 🌱 medicine cat apprentice of tc 🌱 Figpaw smiled good-naturedly in response to his SkyClan counterpart, turning his attention back to the other healers. More and more had seemed to approach him and suddenly the young healer felt a little claustrophobic. Wordlessly, the tall tom slipped away from the group to catch some cold air. It was equal parts exciting and exhausting to meet this many new people at one time- and recently, Figpaw had done a lot of meeting new people. He felt like he could sleep for moons if time allowed. 'Ah good, I see you've made yourself useful.' His uncle's voice rang in his head. The oriental's head whipped around suddenly in search of his uncle but the dark tom was nowhere to be seen. Was he speaking in his mind? 'Come see me in the forest my nephew.' Suddenly, Figpaw felt as if someone was looking at him and the dark presence of his uncle lifted from his mind. Quickly he turned his head just to see Wasppaw look away, only just getting caught. Had the older tom seen anything? His mentor nudged him in the side, knocking him from his thoughts. His ears folded back, growing hot in slight embarrassment. "Yes Peachblossom," he obeyed and followed swiftly. The apprentice felt the chill of the air before he truly saw anything entering the cave. Figpaw made sure to keep a close eye on his mentor, as he peered through the sudden darkness inwhich they were enveloped. And then suddenly, his eyes adjusted and multi-colored specks of light began to fill the cave walls. What was this?! Glowing jewels of all types glittered along the walls until the cave opened up into a larger section. In the center, a large glowing boulder lay in a silvery pool, its light filling every crevice of the room with an ethereal light. Figpaw wasn't sure he'd ever seen something so beautiful in his entire life. Bathed in its light, a single tear shed from his eyes.
Your Day Has Finally Arrived [Peach & Fig]
In Medicine Cat Den
Staff Member
Jan 07, 2022
Figkit 🌱 kitten of thunderclan 🌱 Figkit's anxiety quelled as soon as he saw the warmth in Peachblossom's eyes, knowing instantly that he wasn't in trouble. But.. if he wasn't in trouble, then what did the healer want? Curious, he followed her lead and moved to sit beside her. With his back straight and ears taut and curious, he almost towered over her, but when he looked down at her it was obvious there was no disrespect in his eyes. The elder kit wiggled under her gaze, hoping that whatever she was looking for, that he was it. He listened to her speech carefully. When he'd first arrived the kits in the nursery had excitedly told him about each role of the clan- but he never knew that there was only one healer in the clan. And although his uncle had been preparing him for clan life, he never knew his paws would lead him here! "Me? You want me?" the kit asked, eyes widening in shock as he took in the weight of the medicine cat's words. She wanted him to be her apprentice! He'd been told that apprentices were made into warriors, and that he would have to spend the rest of his life hunting and fighting in the forest- the catch was, Figkit had never truly been interested in any of that. "I..." he was at a loss for words- wanting to say yes immediately, stamping his feet in excitement at the prospect. "What.. so I would use your herbs to heal people?" "I wouldn't have to sleep in the Apprentices' Den would I?" He asked, his face scrunching at the idea. He'd seen that mean she-cat Hazelpaw go in there last night and he wanted to be exactly wherever she wasn't!
An Overripe Peach
In Mooncave
Staff Member
Jan 07, 2022
Figpaw 🌱 medicine cat apprentice of tc 🌱 The young tom had never had any real talent in blending in- his long limbs and large ears usually made him stand out amongst any crowd. Any yet despite being almost two-heads taller than his mentor, Figpaw couldn't help but take a step back behind his short-legged mentor as if she would protect him from oncoming danger. When the feline got closer, a sweet yet slightly fishy scent filled Figpaw's nostrils. Did this tom come from the clan on the sea his uncle had told him about? He took in his stature and couldn't help but loosen up in response as he was addressed. "I-I'm Figpaw," he told the healer, a term he'd rehearsed a couple times in his head on the walk over. In the distance, a pair of cats seemed to dawn on them. Their matching pelts leading the young tom to (wrongly) assume their relation to each other. He awkwardly ricocheted back as the she-cat of the duo rushed his mentor in greeting, their strange yet almost familiar scent blending in with the rest. Figpaw turned to the other healer who had joined her, but just as he was about to say something, the elder apprentice bounded off towards another group approaching them from behind. In the commotion, Figpaw almost missed Hareflight speaking to him, but managed to catch her words amongst the group of cats and the howling LeafBare wind. The young tom smiled encouragingly at the molly, "It's nice to meet you too! I'm Figpaw." He mewed back with a gentle dip of his head. 'Hareflight, Rainysky.. Hareflight, Rainysky..' he started to repeat in his head to remind himself of all the names he'd learned so far. Figpaw turned to greet the others, an older healer with a young she-cat in tow who seemed to be around Figpaw's age. He listened as her mentor nudged her forward into the spotlight, giving her kind instructions- although audible to everyone else. Internally, Figpaw felt grateful Peachblossom had given him this speech away from the others. He approached Opalpaw's side with an awkward smile, "Hi," he whispered to her softly. From beside her he gazed around at the other healers and really took in the site before him. The chill in the air, the crunch of the snow, the stoney path leading up to the MoonCave. All this talk about destinies, futures, and spirituality, it all seemed so grand, and yet they were just a few cats! Figpaw had seen metal cages, large monsters, and twoleg dwellings as high as the stars! And yet in his whole life he had never seen anything as strange as this. "Is this.. also really weird to you?" He asked Opalpaw, eyeing her nervously.
An Overripe Peach
In Mooncave
Staff Member
Dec 28, 2021
Figpaw 🌱 medicine cat apprentice of tc 🌱 Charlie wasn't quite sure what to think of all this, a new name, a new home- suddenly other felines around him were muttering something about destinies and celestial ancestors who live in the sky? The whole thing made his stomach upset, and to top it all of he hadn't seen or heard from his uncle since his ceremony two sunrises ago! A quick bump in his leg spooked the young apprentice out of his stupor, rocking him on his oversized paws slightly as he turned to his new mentor with an uneasy glance. She was much smaller than him, even though he was hardly done growing yet, and came up to about his elbows in height. Her name was Peachblossom, and boy was she pregnant. Ever since she'd been assigned as his mentor the two had hardly spent a moment apart being that they lived in the same den. She was.. nice, although he could tell there was a temper under all that fluff of fur he hadn't discovered yet- he'd seen it once or twice when she was talking to her clan-mates. "Y-Yeah, we can go whenever you're ready ma'am." he replied shyly, dipping his head to lap up the bitter tasting herbs. "Yuck," he spat out, trying to hide his disgusted look from his mentor's notice. He hoped he wouldn't have to do that ever again, that was so gross! With a bound he followed after his mentor, his long strides making it difficult for him to stay in stride with her. Instead he seemed to nervously drift around her, as if he were a bodyguard escorting her throughout the forest. Every once in a while he would glance at her large and very pregnant stomach nervously as it dragged lightly against the snowy forest floor. The Ghostly Flats which led up to the MoonCave was even colder than he'd been previously warned, and the wind felt like ice against his thin pelt. When they finally stopped, he was thankful they were out of the way of the wind. He could tell his mentor was growing impatient by the flick of her tail and stamp of her little paws, "I'm sure the wind's just slowing everyone down," he mewed gently, trying to be helpful.

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