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Staff Member
Jan 28, 2023
In The City
Kass wouldn't exactly say she was living a life of luxury, but the attic above the twoleg fresh-kill pile was quite the home and base for her rag-tag group of friends. The floorboards were always warm due to the strange fire-pits in the silver den of the weird two-leg eating place, and they almost never finished their share of food so the dumpster outside was always full of fresh fish, chicken, and a newly found favorite of Kass', beef. Snow fell lightly above her as she perched herself over the dumpster, her stomach growling at the thought of what two-leg delicacy she would eat tonight. The two-leg meeting place would be closing soon, and all of the twolegs would wander out. That meant it was almost time for the meeting. Every other night the small but ever growing group of friends she called the New Order would meet in the attic and reveal any information they'd received around the city. Typically it was just gossip, but Kass had recently taken on the role of peacekeeper in her territory of the city. Any cat who caused trouble would have to face the claws of justice of her group. Living in the city was hard enough, there was no reason anyone should spread more fear amongst the city cats. Recently, her gang had ran out a vicious rogue group who had seemed intent on causing mayhem. They'd won, but in the end Kass had lost a life. She was surprised to find her connection with StarClan still strong, but as it remained she had 3 lives left. While she'd been running with her group for close to four moons now, she had never disclosed her time in the clans with them. She hadn't deemed it necessary when so few knew of their existence. What if she told the wrong person and put her kits in danger? The secrets of the clans and StarClan were something which needed to be protected. To her followers, and the mass of onlookers during her battle, it had simply seemed as if she had returned from the dead. She settled on some cheesy chicken remains and leaned down to remove them from the top of the pile. She dragged the strips out and dug in, humming at the delightful taste on her tongue.
The New Order content media
Staff Member
Sep 18, 2022
In Neutral Territories
+ + kass + + It was still warm and humid although the sun had set ages ago, leaving a slight mist over the long down-trodden thunder-path. Strong yet steady paws thrummed against the cold and damp dirt, the sound belonging to a white and patched she-cat as she danced down the trail. Twoleg-made sun towers illuminated her path as the she-cat travelled away from the busy roads and houses. She was a wanderer, a nomad- but she wouldn't dare call herself a mere loner. No, she was better than titles meant for cats who had no purpose in life. She would never stoop to that level. She'd done things in life, real challenges had faced her... and now? Well she was just lucky if she could find something interesting enough to amuse her. Which is why she decided to come out here, the countryside, where predators ran rampant and she could truly test her skills. It wasn't like she was doing much else anyway. The she-cat watched the scenery change from large open-range fields to large rows of long yellow vegetables. In the distance she heard a screech- the tell tale sign of an owl in the vicinity. She hurried her steps, hoping to find a spot where could find cover. And then, she noticed the large floating figure above- in an instant it dove her way and the molly had but a fraction of an instant to roll out of the way. Her left ear was clipped in the process, tearing a whole into the paper-thin skin it found there. The she-cat yowled in pain. The large brown bird struck the ground with its claws and bounced back up into the air in record fashion, its large wings reaching out to fan its'' ascent into the air. Bracing herself, the she-cat knew this was her opening and leaped into the air, claws grasping into feathers. The force of her body colliding with the bird sent her foe sailing over the white picket fence which separated the thunderpath from the fields. She hit the ground hard, her body skidding into the dirt. Her jaw landed uncomfortably with a click. And then, to make matters worse, it started to rain. Orange and blue eyes scanned beyond the fence to find the owl struggling under the weight of its injuries and the onslaught of rain. And then it began to rain harder. Leave it, a voice in her head advised. I'll be back for it later, she decided, heaving herself to her paws and hurrying along in the rain. Her left shoulder ached, and the blood which was dripping from her jaw had a gross mix of dirt and fur sticking out in weird angles. She limped on and on in the rain, the cold liquid drenching her to the bone. And then, in the distance she saw it. It was a barn. The outside seemed it was decaying and seemed to have little two-leg interaction based on the state of it. There. There she would find safety. Hooting in the distance motivated her steps, and soon enough she had reached the entrance of the barn. The heavy door creaked as she used her non-injured shoulder to open the entrance, using the energy she had left to open the door and crawl inside. She limped away from the entrance, darkness encapsulating her body as the door slammed shut. Suddenly she could feel the weight of her injuries and she collapsed unceremoniously on her side. She was safe. She made it.
in the dead of the night, a reunion content media
Staff Member
Jan 07, 2022
In Clearing
Figpaw 🌱 medicine cat apprentice of tc 🌱 Figkit.. his name was Figkit. He'd never been given a new name before. "Fiiiigkit." The elder kitten tried out his new name on his tongue. It was the next day after his naming ceremony- an event that had occurred the same night he'd joined ThunderClan. The elders had whispered about how ThunderClan didn't need extra mouths to feed during LeafBare, but Gravelstar had taken pity on the young tom. Despite what his uncle thought, Figpaw didn't think Gravelstar that that bad of a guy. He'd found a secluded spot near the clan's dirt place to sit on his own, preferring to be alone than underfoot of every warrior in clan's main camp. A familiar cherry scent filled his nostrils, letting him know his uncle was now here. "What are you doing?" His uncle asked, suddenly coming into view before the elder kit. "Shouldn't you be out helping the clan?" Figkit flinched slightly at the sight of his uncle, a much larger and muscular tom who tended to use a harsher tone. "I was told not to touch anything, and to not get in anyone's way." He told his uncle with a useless shrug of his shoulders, as if to say 'there wasn't anything I could do'. His uncle sighed, slashing his tail at the feeling being shot down by his nephew. "What is with clans these days? Don't they see they have a capable young apprentice right here? It's almost as if they're suspicious of us." The black-coated tom ranted with a stamp of his paw. 'Us?' Figkit thought to himself, but knew better than to question his uncle. "I don't think they're suspicious... they just have other things going on right now thats all." His uncle made another impatient noise, "You'll just have to show them that you're better than the others- you have a destiny! It's been written in the stars!" To anyone else looking on, it would seem that Figkit was only talking to himself. "Maybe the stars should tell them that then..." Figkit mewed in response. This seemed to spark something, as his uncle seemed to stand taller at the suggestion.
Staff Member
Jan 02, 2022
In Medicine Cat Den
Figkit 🌱 Kit of ThunderClan 🌱 "Hello!?" A squeaky prepubescent voice called out into the den, eventually echoing off the walls. "Peachblossom?" Figkit tried again, sticking his head awkwardly into the crack between the rocks which gave way to the den. The young tom squinted his eyes, trying to spot the healer in her nest. He remembered her den vaguely from when she had treated him on his first night in the clan- muttering apologies for the state of it as she was currently living in the nursery, and even offered him a place to stay amongst one of her litters. He was grateful to the queen, although he had yet to say his thanks or really actually speak to her since his first night in the clan. That morning when Gravelstar approached him, he was scared he had done something wrong. 'Peachblossom wants to see me? It must be important,' the elder kit had decided upon seeing the look on his leader's face- as if he knew something Figkit did not. 'This is it Figkit!' his uncle had whispered excitedly into his ear, purring in excitement for his day to come. 'Your day has finally arrived-' with a twitch of his ear Figkit shook his uncle's thoughts out of his head and headed towards his destination. Now in the cave, the apprentice had grown unbelievably nervous at the prospect of seeing the healer. What if she was mad at him for accidentally rolling over onto Opalkit last night? It was an accident! He didn't mean to startle her! Upon seeing the healer the tall lad seemed find some sort of courage as he awkwardly squawked out- "Gravelstar said you need me?"
Staff Member
Dec 27, 2021
In Berry Flats
"Okay- hold still now," his uncle chastised him lightly as he continued to smear more cold streaks of freezing cold mud and slush into his sides. Charlie didn't think he'd ever been this cold in his life- well, discounting that time he accidentally got locked into his old two-leg's ice box- but he'd been found again just moments later and then warmed up next to a nice warm fire. He'd loved his two-leg... boy what a long way from home he was now. "Ah- that's cold! Why do I have actually look cold and disgusting when I meet the clan cats for the first time again?" the tom-kit asked with a look of distaste evident on his maw as he saw the dark streaks marring his fur. "Because-" his uncle began sharply, pulling back to view his handy work, "you need to look like you're weak and injured so they'll take you back to their camp to see their healer. A clan cat wouldn't leave a kit like you in this snow to die." as if on cue a light snowfall began to fall from the sky, flakes weightless in the air as if gravity itself hardly existed. "But I'm not a kit anymore," the boy protested, stamping his front two paws which had begun to grow numb in the freezing slush of snow on the ground. "I'm almost seven moons! How old are you anyway?" His uncle purred in amusement at the reaction from his nephew, whiskers twitching as he chortled about the question, "Much older than that I'll tell you. Come," His uncle gestured towards the top of the hill they were standing on, asking for him to follow. He led him to the top of the hill, before them lay what seemed to be a sea of bushes. "There," he pointed with his tail, "The moonhigh patrol will be here any minute now to mark the border. Make sure you're seen." His uncle told him. "And if they try to attack me?" Charlie asked, glancing towards his uncle who- as his turned his head, seemed to have all but vanished! Suddenly, Charlie felt a deft paw press between his shoulder blades, prompting the young brown and white tom-cat to begin tumbling down the hill in surprise! His body somersaulted awkwardly until he landed in a clump at the bottom of the hill, his sides and the bottom of his chin each sporting nasty cuts along their surface. Ugh. That did not feel good. In the distance Charlie thought he might be able to smell an oncoming threat.. a group of cats! It must be the patrol! 'Remember your role,' the velvety voice of his uncle played in the back of his mind, prompting the young cat to close his eyes and put his head down in order to make it seem as though he'd been passed out in the territory.
Staff Member
Dec 24, 2021
In Accepted ThunderClan
Figpaw Name: Figpaw (prev. Charlie | future Figroot - Figtree - Figleaf?) Age: 6 1/2 moon (June 23rd) Gender: Cis Male Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice -- Kin: Nightscar (Great Great Great Uncle) (deceased) Mentor: Peachblossom Friends/Allies: -- Voice Reference: Issac Ryan Brown (Gus from The Owl House) Personality: Awkward, Curious, Clumsy, Nerdy Description: With his large over-sized paws, sharp pointed cheek-bones, sharp teeth, and strangely rounded nose, Figpaw is definitely going through an awkward phase of development where he hasn't quite grown into his body yet. The young apprentice is already taller than most cats his age and could even be mistaken as a warrior by someone who didn't know better.
Figpaw content media
Staff Member
Nov 11, 2021
In The Guide
(difficulty to find rate: ★★★, not difficult to very) Herbs that Help Cure Sicknesses and Pains – Alder (★★, leaf-bare only) eases toothace (found in all territories) – Birch Sap (★) eases sore throats (found in all territories) – Blackberries (★) helps with bee stings (SkyClan territory, ThunderClan territory) – Borage (★) a herb with many usages, it helps queens with providing more milk to their kits, it aids with fevers, and it also helps with stomachache and chest pains (RiverClan territory, SkyClan territory) – Bright-eyes (★) helps with coughs (ShadowClan territory, SkyClan territory, ThunderClan territory) – Broom (★★, leaf-bare only) assists in the proper healing of broken bones (SkyClan territory, ThunderClan territory) -Burdock (★★★) another herb with other uses, it helps ease rat bites and prevents infection, it is also used to help with sore pads (SkyClan territory, WindClan territory) – Burnet (★) this herb helps give cats strength if they are feeling weak, is typically reserved for queens (SkyClan territory, ThunderClan territory) – Catchweed (★) an assist to stop poultices from being rubbed off (ThunderClan territory) – Catmint (★★★) best known cure for greencough (ShadowClan territory, WindClan territory) – Celandine (★★) used for hurt eyes (RiverClan, ThunderClan) – Chamomile (★) a traveling herb given for strength (ShadowClan territory) – Chervil (★★) used for infected wounds and bellyache (SkyClan territory) – Chickweed (★★) an alternative for Catmint, treats greencough (SkyClan territory, ThunderClan territory) – Cobweb (★) used to stop bleeding (Found in all territories) – Coltsfoot (★★, newleaf only) used to eased breathing, usually given to kittens for cough (RiverClan territory, ShadowClan territory, WindClan territory) – Comfrey roots (★) a herb with many usages, it’s used for broken bones and to soothe wounds, inflammation, used to relieve itches and burns and for wrenched claws, and to help wrenched joints (RiverClan Territory, ShadowClan territory) – Daisy (★) another traveling herb that helps with aching joints (ThunderClan territory) – Dandelion (★) used as a painkiller (Found in all territories) – Dock (★★) used to ease scratches (RiverClan territory, SkyClan territory, ThunderClan territory) – Elder (★) soothes sprains (ShadowClan Territory) – Fennel (★★) a herb mostly reserved for elders, it helps old bones, specifically hips (Mostly found in RiverClan territory, occasionally in ShadowClan) – Feverfew (★) as its name suggests, it’s used to help regulate body temperature and treat chills (RiverClan Territory) – Goldenrod (★★, Green-leaf only) helps wounds heal quicker (WindClan Territory) – Hawkweed (★) another alternative for Catmint, though not as strong (WindClan Territory) – Honey (★) soothes throats, used to help make mixtures taste sweeter and to make things easier to swallow (Found in all territories that hold trees) – Horsetail (★★, New-leaf only) treats infections and helps with bleeding (ShadowClan Territory) – Juniper (★★) soothes bellyache and helps with troubled breathing (SkyClan Territory, ThunderClan Territory, WindClan Territory) – Lavender (★★) cures fever and chills (ShadowClan Territory, WindClan Territory) – Mallow (★★★) soothes bellyache (RiverClan Territory, SkyClan Territory) – Marigold (★★, New-leaf only) stops bleeding and infections (RiverClan Territory, SkyClan Territory) – Moss (★) an alternative to Cobweb, helps stop bleeding (RiverClan Territory, ShadowClan Territory, ThunderClan Territory) – Oak Leaves (★★★, only useful when dry, leaf-fall) stops infection from setting in (ThunderClan Territory) – Parsley (★★) stops milk flow, also helps with bellyache (WindClan Territory) – Poppy (★) aids with shock, pain, and causes drowsiness (SkyClan Territory, ThunderClan Territory) – Ragwort (★) another traveling herb, also treats aching joints (ShadowClan Territory) – Raspberry (★★★, Green-leaf only) eases pain and aids to stop bleeding (SkyClan Territory) – Sorrel (★) a traveling herb that helps build an appetite (SkyClan Territory, ShadowClan Territory, WindClan Territory) – Stinging Nettle (★★) a herb that has many uses, brings down swelling and helps to fight against infection, also helps with wounds and broken bones. Can be used to induce vomiting. (RiverClan Territory, ThunderClan Territory) – Tansy (★★★) cures coughs and sore throats (ShadowClan Territory, WindClan Territory) – Tormentil Root (★★★, Leaf-bare only) good for all wounds and extracting poison (WindClan Territory) – Thyme (★★★, Green-leaf only) good for shock (SkyClan Territory, ThunderClan Territory) – Watermint (★★) used for bellyache (RiverClan Territory) – Wild Garlic (★★★) prevents infection from rat bites (ShadowClan Territory, ThunderClan Territory) – Wintergreen (★★) treats wounds and some poisons (ShadowClan Territory) – Yarrow (★★) most commonly used to force vomiting, also used in ointments to soothe sore pads (SkyClan Territory) Assisting Tools – Beech Nuts used to attract prey – Bindweed used with sticks to mend broken bones – Cob Nuts made into ointments – Goatweed eases grief – Heather Nectar sweetens mixtures – Ivy Leaves used to store herbs – Laurel Leaves also used to transport herbs – Mint hides the scent of death – Mouse Bile kills ticks – Rosemary hides the scent of death – Rush helps hold a broken limb in place – Sticks distracts queens from pain during kitting, also used to help broken bones heal Poisons, deadly plants to be avoided – Deathberries death within minutes of consumption – Foxglove causes paralysis and heart failure – Holly not as dangerous as deathberries, but can be deadly to kits – Saffron poisonous – Nightshade poisonous, death within minutes – Water Hemlock incredibly painful, next deadly poisonous plant to deathberries
Staff Member
Nov 11, 2021
In The Guide
A Clan Meeting To begin the meeting, the leader climbs to a high place where all cats gathered below can see and hear them well. They open the meeting with the words “Let all cats old enough to (___) gather here beneath the (___) for a Clan meeting!“ For RiverClan: “Let all cats old enough to swim gather here beneath the Outcrop for a Clan meeting!“ For WindClan: “Let all cats old enough to run gather here beneath the Overhang for a Clan meeting!“ For ShadowClan: “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Divot for a Clan meeting!“ For SkyClan: “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Tall Tree for a Clan meeting!“ For ThunderClan: “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Large Log for a Clan meeting!“ Leader Ceremony The new leader goes to the Mooncave with the Clan’s medicine cat. After touching the stone, the new leader cannot move for a short period of time. Upon awakening, cats of StarClan appear. Nine cats, normally ones who were significant during the new leader’s life or the Clan’s history, although this is not always the case, give them their nine lives with these words:“Life giver: (Touches nose to the top of the new leader’s head) With this life, I give you (–). Use it well/and or to serve your Clan.“When all of the lives have been given, normally the previous leader says these words:“Previous leader: I will now give you your new name, (original prefix)star. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of (the Clan they lead). Defend it well, honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity.“ Then, the leader is coronated for their new title, usually by the previous leader. However, sometimes, it is the cat most significant to the leader’s life. Deputy Ceremony A deputy ceremony is when a Clan leader names the Clan’s new deputy. This happens when the previous deputy dies, retires, or is exiled. According to the warrior code, a new deputy must be appointed before moonhigh that day. Otherwise, it is usually seen as a bad omen. The leader calls a Clan meeting, and performs the ceremony by announcing these words: “Leader: I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors (or former deputy name) may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of (Clan) is (warrior’s name).“ Medicine Cat Ceremony This is a ceremony that occurs when a Medicine Cat believes that their apprentice has earned their full name due to the hard work put in to help their Clan. This is the only ceremony that is not performed by a Leader and is done at the Mooncave, at the half moon, in the presence of Medicine Cats from all Clans. “Medicine Cat: I, (name), medicine cat of ___Clan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. (they) has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help (they) will serve (their) Clan for many moons.Medicine Cat: ___paw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?Apprentice: I do.Medicine Cat: Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. ___paw, from this moment you will be known as (new name). StarClan honors your (virtues), and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of (Clan).“ The medicine cat rests their muzzle on the apprentice’s head, and they lick the mentor’s shoulder. The other medicine cats greet them by their new name. Warrior Ceremony Once a mentor is satisfied with their apprentice’s progress and skills, they recommend them to the leader of the Clan. Then, the apprentice must pass an assessment, in which their abilities as a warrior are checked. In cases when the apprentice has just made an important contribution to the Clan, the leader may decide that there is no need for an assessment. If the Clan Leader is satisfied, they call a Clan meeting and call the apprentice forward. The following words are used, by tradition: “Leader: I, (Leader), leader of (Clan), call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.Leader: (Apprentice), do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?Apprentice: I do.Leader: Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. (Apprentice), from this moment on you will be known as (new warrior name). StarClan honors your (virtues), and we welcome you as a full warrior of (Clan). The leader rests their muzzle on the apprentice’s head, and the former apprentice licks the leader’s shoulder. The rest of the Clan then greets the new warrior by calling them by their new name. Apprentice Ceremony When a kit reaches six moons, the Clan leader calls a Clan meeting to appoint them as an apprentice and assign a mentor to them. The following words are used, by tradition: “Leader: (Kit), you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as (new name, ending with “paw”). Your mentor will be (name of warrior or medicine cat). I hope (name of warrior or medicine cat) will pass down all he/she knows on to you. The leader calls up the warrior he/she has chosen as a mentor. Leader: (Warrior), you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from (former mentor), and you have shown yourself to be (quality) and (quality). You will be the mentor of (apprentice), and I expect you to pass on all you know to (apprentice).“ The mentor touches noses with the apprentice, and the Clan greets the new apprentice by calling out their name. After this, the apprentice will usually go see their mentor. Elder Ceremony A ceremony is performed when a cat feels as if they cannot serve their Clan anymore, whether it’s through aging, illness, or injury. “Leader: (Warrior/queen/medicine cat), is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders?Warrior/queen/medicine cat: It is.Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest.“ The Clan will call out the retired warrior’s name and then they will go to the elder’s den. Name Changing Ceremony Occasionally, there are circumstances in which a cat’s current name no longer fits their appearance or status in the clan. In such cases, this ceremony is performed. The leader calls a Clan meeting, and performs the change with the following words: “Leader: Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what he/she is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on he/she will be known as (new name), for (description of the reason).”
Staff Member
Nov 11, 2021
In The Guide
1) Defend the Clan, even at the cost of your own life. friendships in other Clans are allowed, but your own Clan must come first. 2) Respect Clan borders, hunting in others’ territory is explicitly not allowed. 3) Elders, Queens and their kits are to be fed first. if a different priority is to be listed, it will be stated by the Clan leader. 4) Prey is killed only to be eaten for the survival of the Clan. it is important to give thanks to StarClan for the meal. 5) Apprentices must not receive a mentor until their sixth moon. 6) A deputy cannot be appointed without first receiving an apprentice. 7) The Clan deputy will be appointed new leader when the current one either dies, retires or steps down. 8) A new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh, should something happen to the current Clan deputy. 9) Gatherings are held on the night of the full moon. there is a truce for the night, no fighting is allowed. 10) Borders must be marked daily. trespassers are to be challenged. 11) No kit is to be neglected by any Clan cat. 12) The word of the Clan leader is the word of the code itself. 13) Warriors do not kill to win their battles unless it is necessary to protect their own life or that of another. 14) The lives of an outsider is typically rejected. 15) Each Clan’s independent pride is to be expected, however, it is StarClan’s will that all five Clans are to stay together and it is the duty of each Clan to ensure that. The Medicine Cat Code 1) Medicine cats are not restricted to the boundaries of the Clans. they are free to roam wherever necessary to gather herbs. 2) Medicine Cats are not restricted to healing just those of their own Clan. all life is important and sacred to these healers. 3) Medicine Cats are allowed to have mates, however, they must not have kits until they have a fully trained apprentice of their own. 4) Medicine Cats meet every half moon at the Mooncave to speak with StarClan. 5) Prophecies are to be discussed only within the Clan’s ranks. 6) Peace is the goal of every healer. 7) Medicine Cats are to go with each new leader to receive their nine lives. when going to visit StarClan, cats are not to eat beforehand. Exceptions to the Rules 1) When visiting the Mooncave, leaders and medicine cats are not to be challenged. it is within their right to visit their ancestors. 2) Cats may travel on territories outside of their own in cases of emergency. 3) A weak or cruel leader may be challenged if the Clan deems their leader unfit to lead the Clan.
Staff Member
Nov 11, 2021
In The Guide
Kugyay does have a blacklist pertaining to certain topics that are too sensitive for young eyes. Keep in mind that this is a 13+ site. We do not want to traumatize anyone or trigger anything for any of our members. ((Continue reading at your own risk, sensitive topics ahead)) The List is as Followed: – rape – gore (ex, innards, entrails, etc) – politics – torture or physical harm (this includes self harm) – abuse, of ANY kind – drugs (or mentions of addiction) – needles (i.e. injections) – pedophilia or incest – suicide – religion – bodily fluids – animal abuse – death – dis-reality We have a vent channel on our discord to talk about these certain topics very lightly as they pertain to some individuals, however, anywhere else is absolutely not allowed. Our moderators are in charge of making sure that these topics do not go too far. That being said, the mental and physical safety of our members is dearly important to us, you will always have someone to talk to here at Kugyay but we are not professional or licensed doctors of any kind. Please, if you truly feel like you are in danger, here are some hotlines for you to reach out to: Suicide Hotline: Domestic Abuse Hotline:
Staff Member
Nov 11, 2021
In The Guide
Below is a list of our website's rules. When a member makes their first post, then they're expected to have read this thread. 1) Above all else, respect fellow members and staff. Remember to treat everyone how you would like to be treated. This includes keeping drama and gossip to a minimum and handling any possible such matters in a civil and appropriate place. 2) Do not have your character do anything to someone else’s character without permission beforehand. This mostly refers to subjects like killing or injuring someone else’s character. However, other conditions apply. Please be sure to communicate with your roleplay partners. 4) Advertisements to other sites should be run by an owner beforehand. 5) Refrain from spamming other members via mentions, pings, or DMs. 6) Please post threads in their appropriate category. 7) Any content that may be disturbing to other members should be tagged and written with a trigger warning. Refer to our Discord Blacklist for our updated Trigger Warnings. 8) Kugyay is a 13+ community. This means that any content, language, and IRP action should be considered appropriately. NSFW is absolutely not allowed. 9) Any form of art posted on the forums should be properly credited to the creator. 10) Stay friendly and inclusive to everyone No one wants to feel like an outsider!

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