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When The Past Comes to Haunt You. (Silas/Chant)
In Clearing
Jun 25, 2024
Chanterellefrost |The Unbroken of Thunderclan| Chant could not help but narrow her eyes at him calling her a ‘hot momma’ she did not know how to take it as it sounded like a compliment but most likely an insult coming from him. Huffing under her breath as she brushes off his boyish grin, his half-assed charm would not work on her. Silently watching the rogue as he glances around, she could not help but notice the look of familiarity glaze over his eyes. Now that sparked curiosity within her, was he from a clan? Is that why he is so uncomfortable being here? It would seem that her brief assumption had been correct as moments later he confirms it. Brows furrowing as she studies Silas more closely, why would he leave the clan? His family?  Ignoring the fact he rolled his eyes in exasperation at her confusion, ‘Well he should be less cryptic and just spill it out’ Chant thought to herself before focusing on the reddish brown tom with interest. Her icy blue eyes widening at the new information, he had been born here? Left when he was an apprentice…she vaguely remembered the story as it was tragic news at the time to have an apprentice perish. ‘Pikepaw…hmm the name certainly was fitting’ she muses with amusement twinkling in her eyes before realizing that if he hadn’t died like many believed, he had faked his death. Frowning at the thought that Silas had been so miserable in his early life that he gladly faked his death, leaving his parents to grieve without closure.  No matter how much Chanterelle wanted to judge this rogue, she could not as she too remembered how miserable she had been with her family. If it hadn’t been for her brother and her dear friend, Hawk, she feared she would have done something drastic as well. Biting her lower lip as she remains silent, for some reason Silas was revealing his past to her, even if she did not like him, she would lend her ear. Sighing as she regards the tom, “I am sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. That neither of you got to say goodbye, have you talked to your father? Does he know that you are alive…and here?” She delicately asks, not wanting to overstep in her curiosity.  Though her curiosity dwindles as he asks about her story, did she really seem like a molly carrying a lot of baggage? Tensing up as Silas brings up the gossip he had been hearing, that Jaguarkit was Hawkstar’s son. Even if it would have made her life easier to pretend that Jaguar was his, she could never do that to his real father. Shaking her cherry brown cranium as she forces out a weak laugh, deciding not to lie to the stranger as her icy cyan and turquoise blue eyes soften just a little. “If only it were not simple. That pain in ass that runs this place use to be my mate…but not anymore” she sighs out. Lips twitching in mild amusement, “Hmm I suppose I am a momma carrying a lot of baggage. Best you steer clear of me” Chant warns, though her once biting tone held less of a bite and more of a teasing edge.
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Mission: Obtain a Wife
In The City
Jun 25, 2024
Yor |Unexpected Assassin| Tilting her cranium to the side at the sound of Loid’s smooth and calm voice, it was very pleasant to the ears. Flicking her striped black, white, and crimson red fluffy tail side to side in a sweet bashful manner. “Hello, I hope you two are having a great evening” she politely states as she watches the father and daughter. Her golden eyes softening as she could not help but long to feel the connections one feels toward a husband and child. Yor also knew that such thoughts were a delusional fantasy, her job hardly permitted in her settling down and starting a family. Yet, she hated the curious looks from her co-workers about why she had yet to find a husband, not to mention how worried her brother; Yuri was about her well being.  It was starting to worn on the Molly, keeping up appearances in order to hide her true occupation. If only she had a cover story that was believable enough to fool her brother, a lot of weight would be lifted off of her shoulders. Subconsciously her attention drifts back to Loid, studying him, he seemed kind and cared for his daughter. He was the ideal husband in Yor’s eyes, sighing softly to herself as she was getting lost in her thoughts again. Yor wished she could find a tom that would put her brother at ease, one that wouldn’t ask questions on her whereabouts, but where would she find someone like that? Snapping out of her thoughts as her golden eyes are torn away from Loid to glance down at Anya. A surprised look graced her soft features as the rose golden and black kitten bumps into her.  Relaxing her tense form as she smiles warmly at the clumsy kitten, the cute she-kitten just wanted to show her father how her pelt turned out. So adorable! Lips parting in silent shock as she takes in Anya’s words, her ears flicking back in sadness. Such a poor young thing to lose her mother at such a crucial stage of life. Frowning as she glances over at Loid, her pale eyes misting over as she could only imagine what he has gone through to lose a mate and raise a kit on his own. That took strength and courage. “I am so sorry for your loss! I can only imagine such loss” Yor sighs, in a way she did as her parents had died when she was young, leaving her to care for her brother Yuri. Leading her to becoming the skilled and deadly assassin she is today.  Biting her lower lip as he mentions that his dying mate wanted him to take his daughter somewhere where she could be safe and thrive. Her interest piqued even more as he mentions that he had found the perfect place within the forest. Was he talking about the clans? She had heard plenty about the wild cats of the forest. “Oh? Are you talking about joining a clan? I have heard that usually the mothers care for the young until they reach a certain age” Yor adds with a sad smile. All he wanted for his daughter was her to grow up happy, but how could he accomplish that on his own? Her gaze flickering between the two as an idea begins to form. What if she tagged along! Helped him raise his daughter? It would provide the perfect cover to continue her job and keep her brother satisfied. “What if…I came with you? Help you with your daughter as you both adjust to the clan life?” Yor suddenly suggestions. Her eyes widening, her cheeks flushing under her white furred cheeks, “I don’t mean to oppose or force myself upon your journey! I just thought it would be nice to have a fresh start as well!” She tries to defend herself, her voice wavering from nerves as she risks a glance at Loid.
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The Night We Met (Edge/Iris)
In The Island
Jun 25, 2024
Iris |The Siren| She hated that he did not take either of them seriously, they had just wanted to make a home for themselves and instead they were being mocked and ridiculed for how they were brought up. It is not like Iris had chosen the life she lived, but she could now! And no arrogant toerag was going to tell her what she could and could not do! Not anymore! Pursing her lips as she glanced over at her dear friend, Duchess. The feisty Persian molly was not going to back down to Edgefrost either.  Though, Iris could not help but wonder what did he have to gain from this? Was this merely just a game for him? Entertainment? Duchess surely seemed to think so and was not afraid to call him out on it. Iris was not so sure, as the few minutes she had been alone with him, she could tell that he would not give anyone the time of day unless there was a hidden meaning.  It was as if Edge could read her mind, his dark green eyes locking with her blue ones once more. Brows furrowing as she takes in his words on not letting the past define your future, begrudgingly his words made sense. If they wanted a fresh start, they needed to show him that they had some potential to become more than what they use to be. Clenching her jaw as her azure and Egyptian blue eyes narrow in determination, she could not back down now, she needed to prove to herself that she was more than just a kitty pet. She was not familiar with fighting, with using her claws to defend herself, but she was willing to learn as she goes in order to make a better life for herself. Iris had not expected to be able to take down the mountain of a tom such as Edgefrost, she just needed to figure out a way to trick him.  First, she needed to observe just how a warrior fights. Running straight towards him, her eyes narrowed in determination, grunting in surprise when he easily sidesteps her, his large paw smacking between her shoulder blades. Gasping in pain as he pins her to the ground with ease. Scowling at his taunting words, even though she was not familiar with the clan terms, she could tell that having an apprentice being able to do better than her meant she was more or less a kit. Squirming, trying to get the big oaf off of her, it was not until Duchess slammed into Edge, knocking him off balance that she was able to hop to her feet. Shaking her cobalt and Carolina blue striped pelt before her attention turns to Duchess as she demands for Iris to make her move.  If it were any other situation, Iris would have laughed at the absurdity of the position Duchess was in, if it weren’t for the seriousness of the situation. Clenching her jaw as she used all her strength and determination as she leaps over Edgefrost, hooking her foreclaws into his shoulders, using her momentum and gravity to her advantage to bring Edgefrost down with her. Luckily Duchess had thrown him off balance and was able to let go of him beforehand. Getting the air knocked out of her lungs as she slams into the ground with Edge falling beside her. Taking in a sharp breath, ignoring the stinging pain as she struggles to her paws. Not wasting another moment before grabbing the mice, panting as she stares down at a bewildered Edgefrost.  Tossing the mice towards Duchess before huffing out, “I believe we had a deal?” Iris breathlessly says with an arched brow. It was a mediocre win at best but she would take it for now.
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Crossroads-Silverscreech and Widowsting
In Clearing
Jun 25, 2024
Widowsting |The Sharp-Tongue of Shadowclan| At this point, Widow had tuned out the spitfire ginger kitten, knowing that Zinnia thought she was old enough to take care of herself and her brother. No point in trying to argue with a kit, she would learn sooner or later that she was not as big and tough as she perceived herself. Right now it was taking everything within her not to claw at Silverscreech, just seeing the silver tabby left a sour taste in her mouth. Why couldn’t she just enjoy a peaceful stroll on her own? All Widowsting wanted was to drown out her sorrows, not having them boil over the surface. Her paper thin ears twitching at the faint gasps of surprise from the two small kits, but her fiery gaze remained level with Silver. The petite charcoal diluted tabby sighs softly to herself, maybe she should just return home, save both of them the trouble.  Yet, she remains where she was standing, tilting her head as a flicker of satisfaction gleams in her eyes at spotting the frustration and anger briefly in Silverscreech’s facial features. It would seem that her words did have an effect on the older molly after all, how fun! From what she remembered of her mother, she certainly got her temper from her. Widow found it amusing that Silver was trying to reel in her emotions, when Widow could easily tell that she was struggling. Biting her inner cheek as she forces her sharp features to remain cold and neutral, she did not need nor want to hear excuses from Silver’s mouth. It made no difference now, her mother was right about one thing—what was done was done. No way to change the past now. Though the past is always close behind, sneaking up on you when you least expect it. One can never run from the past but accept it. Which Widowsting was having a hard time doing.  “Improving yourself?” Widow coldly laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. “You mean running away from your problems and starting anew” She corrects. Her autumn orange eyes flicker down towards Zinnia and Torrent, it would seem that she was an older sister. Even though she knew she was being unreasonable and illogical, Widow could not help but feel slight resentment towards the two kits. They got to experience having a mother, having a mother figure to fret and dolt over them. While all she experienced or remembered was her mother walking away twice. Huffing through her nose as she forced herself to look away from the two kittens as she blankly stares at Silver while the older molly started trying to explain her reasoning. It was like Silver was trying too hard to push her words onto Widow.  This time, Widow could not hold back a snarl as she bared her fangs at Silverscreech. “I do not need your pathetic excuses! You were not the only one hurting! It is not all about you! Everyone has hard and shitty lives but they push through, especially if they have family. You only cared for yourself back then, I am sorry you had a hard upbringing…but that is not an excuse to abandon your kits” Widow’s voice held the pain and resentment she felt. Closing her eyes briefly, taking a deep calming breath as she needed to subdue her temper, there were kits around that did not need to witness her fury. Shaking her head as she turns away from Silverscreech, her gaze staring off into the dark forest. “I do not want to argue with you. I have accepted long ago that you were not fit nor ready to become a mother. I had been naive once to allow you back into my life but as soon as life got hard…you ran” her tail flicks side to side as she distracts herself.  “Dewbristle left the clan after receiving her warrior name. Yet, she still comes around to check in on her siblings, nieces and nephews. I know you were hurting when dad died, but you were not the only one feeling the loss. We lost our father and our mother at the same time” Widow bitterly states. “You left with hardly any explanation, what did you expect? Me to greet you with open arms? You took the easy way out. Time for you to reap what you sowed, own up to what you did, stop making excuses” she hissed out. Even though Widowsting was dealing with the loss of one of her mates, she had kits and Mintstrike to think about, she was hurting but she still had a lot to fight for.  Smiling bitterly down at her little half-siblings, “Wish we could have met under better circumstances” she hums out before eyeing Torrent. “Keep your sister in check” she teases before smirking at the spitfire ginger kit. Turning completely away from the three as she begins to pad away. Stopping a few feet away as she looks over at her mother, “You better do right by those two, they deserve to have a mother. I am sure you know your way out, better leave before a patrol finds out.” Widow dismisses Silverscreech with a sharp sting to her voice.
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Crossroads-Silverscreech and Widowsting
In Clearing
Jun 03, 2024
Widowsting |The Sharp-Tongue of Shadowclan| Arching a brow as she gives the two young kits a disapproving motherly look, one she would give her young kits if she caught them sneaking about the territory late at night with no supervision. Widowsting did not have the time nor patience to handle someone else’s problem when the molly was already going through so much already. Her pale autumn orange eyes flicker over to Torrent, noticing him trying to hide his amusement at his sister getting scolded. Sighing through her nose at Zinnia’s defiant response, her eyes narrowing down at the ill mannered kit. “No one did, but I gave it to you anyways, deal with it” Widow snips. One would think that motherhood would have softened her usual sharp-tonged persona, yet if anything it made her tempered.  Hormones are a bitch. Watching Torrent cover his sister’s mouth, causes her lips to twitch slightly in amusement, especially at the angered look Zinnia shot towards her brother. “Hmm count yourself lucky that your brother is here to keep that mouth of yours in check. He is your only saving grace. Don’t think I will feel guilty for leaving you to defend yourself if you think you are so big and tough” Widowsting warns, she hated how much of herself she saw in the little ginger she-kit.  Pausing as she looks over at the two kits over her shoulder as they begin to interrogate her. It would seem the two had been searching for a clan, a clan that their mother had been from. Brows furrowing in curiosity as she wondered who their parents were, opening her mouth to question them further when she was rudely interrupted.  Scowling as her attention sharply turns toward the new intruder. Her fur ruffling as she prepared to attack as she hardly recognized the scent. Yet, she finds herself frozen in place as her gaze lands upon a figure she had never expected to see again. Her breath hitching in the back of her throat, standing a few feet away was… her mother. If she could even be called that, she hadn’t seen the she-cat for nearly 3 years. Widow could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest, no words or sounds escaped her as she silently watched Silverscreech. It was as if she was a ghost, an invisible bystander as the worried mother frets over her kits. Widow could hear the genuine concern and relief in Silver’s quivering voice as she reprimanded the two troublemakers. The more Widowsting watched the spectacle before her, the more the shock wore off and in its place anger and resentment began to surface.  Years of suppressing her hurt, anger, loathing, and frustration was boiling within her now. Those negative emotions had always been there, but festered deep inside to the point she had hardly recognized those emotions until now. How dare she? Abandoning her and her siblings, only to have started a new life and with a new family at that. Keeping a stoic expression on her sharp features, relaxing her tense posture as she silently regards the silver and white tabby molly. Though she could not hide the burning rage in her eyes, they glowed a fiery hue, it was as if her gaze could set Silverscreech ablaze. Her long tail lashing side to side behind her when she heard Silver’s soft hesitant voice utter her name. Widow certainly noted that Silver trailed off when saying her name, the older Molly realizing that she did not know Widow’s full name.  Pursing her lips as she had half the mind to just walk away. Why waste a single breath on her? Yet, her emotions outweighed her rational judgment. “It is Widowsting now…though you would not know that now would you?” She mocks; her voice dripping with venom. “I am shocked you could recognize your own daughter. Been what? 3 years since you abandoned your family?” Widow seethes. The small charcoal diluted tabby wanted her words to burn, to fester deep into Silverscreech, she wanted the poison to eat and claw at the silver and white molly. Widow had no problem with being the bad guy.
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whispering woods part one (skyclan plot)
In Misty Clearing
Jun 03, 2024
Bearchaser |Strong-willed Soldier of Skyclan| Bearchaser could sense his older sister’s unease as they set out on their journey. None of them knew what dangers and challenges laid ahead, but Bearchaser knew one thing, he would help protect everyone within the patrol. He would make Roseglow see her worth and why she was needed for such a trying task. Casting a side-eye glance with his brother, Macawblaze, silently communicating with him to keep an eye on their leader and medicine cat for the duration of their mission. His dark pecan, umber brown, and white pelt hackled with unease at the groans and moans of pained and tortured whispers. Something in the foggy surroundings were not at rest and they were making it known.  Taking a brief glance over his broad shoulder to eye his other older sister, Scarletshimmer and fellow clan mate; Cinderpeach that were bringing up the rear. Bear wanted to make sure that everyone remained accounted for. Picking up his pace to walk beside Roseglow, pursing his lips as he could feel the temperature drop around them. The cold seeping to his bones, making every step feel as if he was ankles deep in thick mud or even quick sand. Heeding Rose’s words, pausing just at the edge of their territory. His tufted ears twitching as he takes in the eerie sounds around him.  “Then it would seem that we are in the right area. Don’t you agree?” Bearchaser muses with a soft sigh. His fluffy tail flicking back and forth, his marigold gaze locked on what lays ahead. Nudging Roseglow in reassurance, “Don’t worry. We knew the possibilities of what could be awaiting for us. We are all in this together now. No turning back” Bear mutters with a small smile. He would never admit to anyone but the voices tried to plague his mind with thoughts and feelings of failure. That he would not be able to protect everyone in the company, that he would be the reason and cause of their demise. Clenching his jaw, his golden gaze hardening as he forces such images and thoughts from his troubled mind.  Pretending he had not just been having a mental battle with himself, he turns to his siblings and Cinderpeach. Biting his inner cheek at Roseglow’s suggestion, she had a point that maybe they should do some hunting before continuing. “It might not be such a bad idea…as I have a feeling we do not want to stray when we step paw inside” the young warrior mutters mostly to himself. Bearchaser could not shake the feeling that if they dared glanced back once they crossed the threshold, one would possibly lose oneself indefinitely.
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to prove yourself is to survive | polarlights & eagletalon
In Winding River
Jun 03, 2024
Polarlights |The Eccentric of Thunderclan| A startled-like light laugh escapes her at his grumbled words, “Are you suggesting I do not have thoughts?” Polarlights jokes as she pauses before him. Her usual crystal blue and turquoise eyes appeared more indigo as she looks up at her taller friend. “I suppose I should have known I can’t get anything past you” Polar sighs to herself. Ever since she basically ran into him when she was a young apprentice, an unexpected friendship formed. One that Eagletalon had recently accepted, and Polar, a wallflower was more than thrilled to have a friend. Even if the brown bengal tom was temperamental, it did not bother her in the slightest.  The silvery white and pale cinnamon molly could tell that Eagle enjoyed her company, even if he would never admit it. Her usual dreamy smile on her lips as she listens to Eagletalon. Polar was silently thankful that her ever growing crush was fading slowly, she had realized a little over a moon ago that her childish fantasies and crush on her dear friend was unreachable and needed to face reality. Eagletalon would only ever view her as a friend, so a friend she shall remain. She could not and did not want to lose her friendship over something childish. Arching a curious brow at his plan, or lack of. “Eagle, my dear friend. I adore your need to always do something for the clan…but what is your plan exactly? One that does not involve in me explaining to your father as to how or why his son got snatched by twolegs?” Polar questions with pursed lips.  Polar adored the brown rosette tom, but Starclan could he let his need to prove himself cloud common sense. While she preferred to daydream about such actions and adventure, Eagletalon always seemed to seek it out. “Should have known you were up to no good when I spotted you sneaking out” she adds with exasperated sigh, though she could not hide the small smile of endearment from showing. “I suppose I shall tag along, being the good friend I am, cannot let you cause mayhem on your own” Polarlights teases with a playful nudge to Eagle’s side. Polar secretly hated that she always found herself caving to Eagletalon, just one look from him always made her feel seen and important. A dangerous feeling to have indeed, but that’s what friends are for, right?
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Brotherly Suspicion (Bear/Macaw)
In Birch Forest
May 13, 2024
Bearpaw |Strong-willed Soldier of Skyclan| Bearpaw’s curiosity was certainly piqued when his brother begged for him not to mention a word to their father and leader, Firestar. Arching a brow as he silently stares at his brother, debating with himself but ultimately agreed to keep the new knowledge to himself. Nodding slowly as he keeps eye contact with his anxious older brother. “You have my word, Macaw. I will not tell father or mother what you tell me. It will stay between us if you wish.” Bear reassured. Scooting closer to his brother, a small smile twitching on his lips when Macaw lightheartedly bumps his shoulder against his. “You are the definition of trouble and I am honestly surprised and maybe a little impressed that you are still all in one piece” Bear scoffs.  “Though I suppose you are only alive because of my meddling” the tall two toned brown Maine Coon teases before hitting his brother with his fluffy tail. Rolling his eyes, not hiding the fact, as Macawpaw once again asks for reassurance that Bearpaw would not say anything. “You bird brain, my lips are sealed. Now what is it that you are going to tell me?” He questions, his marigold eyes narrowing slightly as he notices Macawpaw’s carefree attitude shift into a more serious tone. Rising easily to his paws as he follows after the red golden tabby Maine Coon. Tuft ears swirling in every direction as he takes in the sounds around him as they trek through the worn out path, his paws pressing into the earth leaving large paw prints behind.  Confusion flickering in his golden eyes taking a tentative step back as Macaw moves foliage away. Blinking rapidly as the bright sunlight shines in his eyes, taking a moment to adjust before moving next to his brother. Side eying Macaw before turning his attention to a barn, arching a brow as he studied the area before his attention lands on the molly just when his brother points her out. Ahhhh. Now he understood the secret that needed to remain unspoken. It would seem that his troublesome brother was lovestruck but it was a loner. Taking a deep breath as he looks at his brother, the happiness in Macaw’s eyes and smile could not be missed. “Hmmm I suppose she is beautiful” he slowly replied, she indeed was beautiful but not his type.  “So I can see that you must be on a first name basis…does she harbor the same feelings as you?” Bear wonders before a snort like laughter escapes his throat. “She may be able to beat a bird brain like you in a fight. But I believe I have a fair chance in beating her” he jokes before allowing the silence to surround the two toms. Biting his lower lip as he decides to reveal a small secret in return. “You know…you are not the only one that is crushing on someone” Bear awkwardly admits. His ears pinning against his cranium as he clears his throat. “You know Hibiscuspaw? Her and her parents joined the clan when we were 4 moons old? I honestly don’t know what I see in her…she is so odd and naive and borderline idiotic but just something about her…not that I would ever tell her” he grunts out.  “There. A secret for a secret.”
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Crossroads-Silverscreech and Widowsting
In Clearing
May 13, 2024
Widowsting |The Sharp-Tongue of Shadowclan| “I could say the same about you two” a lithe molly slips out of the foliage, her piercing gaze flickering back and forth between the two kits before her. It was obvious that these two stranglers were not of Shadowclan, their scent and mannerisms gave clue that they had to be loners. What mother would leave their kits unattended? The charcoal diluted tabby molly sighs to herself as she was not sure what to do with the two kits before her. Frowning at the ginger she-kit, she could tell that she was the oldest and one calling the shots. “You should have listened to your brother, wandering around is not safe.” Widowsting chastises.  Widows had wanted to just enjoy a simple evening stroll before returning to the nursery to tend to her three kits. Her heart aching at the thought that Mercuryrose would not be waiting for her there. It was just her and Mintstrike now. There was a permanent hole in her heart, she would never be whole again. Brows furrowing as she could detect a certain scent clinging on to the two small kits but could not tell where she had smelled the scent before.  Sighing to herself as she regards the two before her, “Now lead the way back. Wouldn’t want to have to take you two as prisoners for trespassing. I will escort you back to make sure you do not stray” Widowsting grunts out, nodding her cranium in the direction she saw the two kits come from. She hoped her little white lie would scare the two from wandering on their own ever again.
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a splash of fun [mink x squid]
In Fishing Stones
May 13, 2024
Squidshade |The Unpredictable of Riverclan| “Indeed…I suppose you do” he lightly agrees as he listens to her babble once more, it certainly seemed like an anxious coping mechanism. She tries to fill the awkward silence with her words. Rising one of his front paws up instinctively when feeling stray water droplets hit his paw and chest. Quirking a brow up at Minknose but does not comment on the matter. Remaining seated as he keeps his posture inviting as to settle the easily anxious molly before him. Squidshade was not a hundred percent sure as to why he was still here, she obviously was not an apprentice so no curfew was being broken. It was just something about her that made him want to reassure her that he meant no harm.  Blinking slowly in surprise as her shy nervous demeanor suddenly changes. Her eyes brighten up as she stands taller before him as she boldly questions his choice of words in describing her. Lips twitching in a faint grin, his golden eyes reflecting his amusement. “I stand by what I said, maybe even a little quirky” Squid muses. The dark black tom observes and notes that when Minknose was curious about something, she tends to lean forward as if she could find the answers.  “I honestly just assumed it was an apprentice as it usually is, though I had realized I was wrong when I saw you, Minknose” he clarified with a small charming smile. Though his carefree demeanor changes into a more skeptical one as he eyes the dappled molly. Watching her as she moves closer to the stream, he already assumed her next actions due to the mischievous gleam in her blue eyes. “I would not even think about it if I were you” Squidshade sighs out, his ears twitching as he watches her intently. “I haven’t splashed around since I was an apprentice. Like to keep it that way” Squid lightly warns. Wondering if the small molly would head his words or simply follow through.
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to prove yourself is to survive | polarlights & eagletalon
In Winding River
May 13, 2024
Polarlights |The Eccentric of Thunderclan| How peculiar. That was the word that echoed in Polarlights mind as she silently watches Eagletalon try to act non-suspicious as he awkwardly stumbles behind the nursery. The silvery white and cinnamon colored molly smiles in amusement at watching her dear friend turn the corner. It did not take a genius to figure out that Eagletalon was up to something. So what does Polar do? She follows him. Keeping her paw steps light as she keeps several paces behind, not wanting to give away her location so quickly to Eagle. Her indigo colored eyes brightening in excitement and laughter as the brown bengal was none the wiser of her antics.  Polar understood the deep turmoil the tom felt in needing to prove himself. That he longed for approval from his father and his clanmates, wanting to be known for more than just the leader’s son. Yet, she could not fantom his desire to put himself into harms way almost constantly, then again who shall ever understand the mind of a troubled soul.  She, too was a wallflower, but instead of hating the sidelines, she often blossomed in the dark. She enjoyed not having too much attention on herself, though she had noticed as of late that her sudden glow up had not gone unnoticed.  The once chunky little apprentice had certainly blossomed into quite a sight. The young warrior had gotten slightly taller, still petite but her baby fat had morphed into curves that were easy on the eyes. Polar hated that she was not small and slender like many other she-cats, but had long ago learned that not everyone is the same. To other females within her age group, she will always be known as ‘loony chipmunk’. A nickname that she was not sure she would ever be able to shake. Tilting her cranium slightly as she could almost see the swarm of thoughts muddling around in Eagle’s head.  A soft giggle escapes her as she decides to make herself known. “I am surprised you don’t have a headache from thinking too hard, Eagle. Nice day for a stroll is it not?” Polar muses, pretending to happen upon him, wondering if he would reveal why he was sneaking off.
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Nothing Is Ever The Same (Lightning/Vanilla)
In Clearing
May 13, 2024
Vanillabreeze |The Hidden Gem of Thunderclan| Closing her eyes briefly, sighing softly to herself as Lightningwind only spoke one word to her, a command. With little room to deny she steels herself, knowing that the warrior did not think much of her, all she was to him was a babysitter. Taking one last look at the three young girls, smiling to herself as she watched them huddle together in an attempt to catch another lady bug. Forcing herself to move her legs as she pads behind the tall dark ginger Tom as he leads her just outside the camp. Her slate grey ears flick back in unease as her unique pastel pink eyes lock on his stormy gaze. Blinking in surprise as he accuses of her in playing mind games with his daughters.  Vanillabreeze could not help but feel overwhelmed with his tone and the way he looked at her. Looks sometimes spoke more than words, the look he was giving her made her feel small and insignificant in his eyes. Trying to keep her features calm as she did not want him to see that his words sunk into her. “I beg your pardon?” Vanilla questions, giving him a confused expression, hoping she indeed heard him wrong. “I assure you I am playing no games. I take my job very seriously, Lightningwind” She softly states, trying to remain professional with the father of the kits she has been caring for since they were basically born.  She knew that she had grown close to the girls, she cared for them deeply and enjoyed watching them grow, but she knew that she was not their mother. Lightningwind made that abundantly clear. Clenching her jaw at the way he spoke to her, the brash tone and stern expression. Reminded her of her ex-mate, Webthroat. “I am well aware of my duties, Lightningwind. You have made that clear since the beginning. I am simply being a nanny to your girls. Raising them to be young ladies, not afraid to express themselves. I teach them manners, I am an ear for them when they need it, and a shoulder for them to cry on. I have never once believed I was their mother, you are quite right. They had one and sadly lost her before they knew her” Vanilla’s soft demeanor changes as she stares coolly at the warrior.  “I am not their mother, but they do need a mother like figure in their lives! If you don’t like how I am caring for them then maybe if you were around enough you could nurture them! You drown yourself in duties. I understand you are hurting but so are they! Don’t come at me, thinking you know me!” The beautiful molly snarls as she takes a step closer to the towering ginger tom. “The gall you have to throw in my face that I am using your daughters to replace the kits I have lost?! I will never forget my kits and they will never be replaced no matter how much I care for your daughters and the other kits I foster. Your daughters are the world and they deserve everything, yes they have emotions but so do I!” Her voice cracks towards the end, her eyes tearing up, taking a deep breath as she peers up at Lightning.  “Maybe you are right, that I care too much but why is that such a bad thing? What is so wrong about caring about them? How could I not? Yet you make me out as the villain for being there for your kits. Fine. I will keep my distance as you wish. You can explain to Solsticepaw, Polarpaw, and Havenpaw why I am no longer their nanny. I never planned on leaving them but I cannot handle the way you look at me for just being there for them.” She says with defeat, she did not know how to get through to him, that she meant no harm and cared deeply for his daughters. Her heart hurt at the thought of not caring for those three precious girls, but she could not allow herself to be treated like this any longer. Her heart could not take it.  Giving him one last look, tears dripping down her soft features before she turns away. “Their names were Cranekit and Crystalkit. They were so beautiful and were taken so soon. Not that you care. I am going to say goodbye to the girls and then I’ll be out of your fur” Vanillabreeze mutters before leaving the warrior behind. He was not a bad guy, just a troubled one.
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Now... Now It's Your Turn
In Clearing
Mar 14, 2024
Ravenwatcher |The Shadowed Knight of Shadowclan| His muscles were screaming at him to move, to run over to his mate and to protect her from that vile monster. Raven’s periwinkle eyes narrow at the claws piercing into Grimrose. His black fur rising along his shoulders and spine, his fangs bared as a growl rises in his throat. Only thing keeping him rooted in his spot not far from Mercuryrose was Grimrose pleading with him to not intervene as she did not want to risk him getting harmed when they have kits to think about.  His long ears twitching as he listens to the conversation between Mercuryrose and the unknown intruder. It would seem the intruder had a vendetta against Mercuryrose, Grimrose, Dahliapetal, and Murkywolf. It took Ravenwatcher a moment to realize this was Twilightfoot, coming for revenge against his own blood. Gritting his teeth, his eyes peering into Grimrose’s beautiful eye, silently telling her that he loves her. With a heavy heart he rushes to the Murkywolf, knowing he needed to do something, if he could not go save his mate, he would attend to her brother.  He approaches the unconscious tomcat, pulling him away to safety to assess him. Raven was relieved to notice the rise and fall of Murkywolf’s chest. He was no professional but he quickly presses clumps of moss against the wounds to stunt the bleeding until Waspsight could tend to him. “Don’t you die on me, Murkywolf! Grimrose won’t allow it!” Ravenwatcher scolds before looking back at Twilightfoot and his mate with worry. Will she be alright?  Timberhawk |The Trickster of Shadowclan| ‘Who the fuck does this man think he is?!’ He snarls in his mind as he rushes to Dahliapetal. His heart beating rapidly in his chest as he climbs up to High Point. His Jade green eyes tearing up at the sight of her almost lifeless form. Gritting his teeth as he carefully moves his mate away from the edge of the high point, not wanting her to plummet to her death. Timber was thankful to see her chest rise and fall slowly, it let him know that she had some fight within her. He just needed to get her somewhere safe and hope that Waspsight could save her.  The older ashy brown tabby warrior tuned out everything around him, his sole focus being Dahliapetal. “Come on my flower, you better not leave me! You dragged me into this clan, you are not leaving me in it by myself” Timber scolds. Carefully dragging her away from the chaos around them, he needed to protect his little flower from more harm. He just wished it had been him that had taken the beating in her place. Worriedly glancing at Ravenclaw and Aspenwood as the two rush over to help him with his mate.  Widowsting |Sharp-tonged of Shadowclan| ‘This cannot be happening right now!’ Widow thought, anxiety building up within the charcoal bengal molly. She stood frozen near the nursery, their kits thankfully resting deeper in the den, she did not want their kits to witness such despair. Her ears pinning against her skull as she leans heavily against her other mate, Mintstrike. Leaning against him grounded her as she watched her valiant mate, Mercuryrose stand up to her villainous father. Widow knew about Mercury’s past growing up under Twilightfoot’s reign.  She understood the pain of reopened wounds, Widow wished she could carry the burden of Mercuryrose’s pain of having to confront the one being that she had tried to bury from her mind and heart. Mercury was hurting with seeing the ones she cared about the most get harmed by the one who was her father. Widow hated that there was nothing she could do, as she knew that Mercury would not want her getting involved. Gasping loudly as the fight began, her heart racing as her orange eyes stay glued to the fight.  “Watch out Mercuryrose!” She tried to warn as she spotted Twilightfoot fling dust into her mate’s face. Crying out as the intruder bites into Mercury’s neck and flings her around. Widow felt time slow down and her heart stop at seeing the blood leaking from Mercury’s neck. “No…” she breathes, the two were too evenly matched. The small bengal could not help but feel impending doom as she watches her love drag Twilightfoot closer to the high point. “Don’t…” but her words met on deaf ears as Mercuryrose throws herself and Twilightfoot over the edge and plummet to their downfall.  Breath catching in her throat at the loud thud and crunch echoing through the silent clearing. Tears dripping down her sharp features as Mercury shakily raises a paw in victory but Widow knew better. The loud thunderous roar of the clan rejoicing but not Widow. Ripping away from Mintstrike’s hold, shoving felines out of her way as she rushes toward Mercuryrose. “NOO! MERCURY!” Despair rips from her throat as she sees just the damage her first love was in as the Maine coon collapses after pointing to Ravenclaw and Aspenwood. Ignoring the deceased Twilightfoot, not even taking the time to rejoice that he was dead as she gently rolls Mercury over. Her features softening at the sight of her mate.  “For once could you be selfish? For once could you think about yourself! Don’t you dare leave our kits! Your children! Mintstrike! Don’t leave…me” her voice cracks towards the end. Her lip quivering as she lightly caresses Mercury’s cheek. “I don’t want you to leave me, Merc. I feel like I just found you and Mint and now you are trying to leave?? Please…”
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The Night We Met (Edge/Iris)
In The Island
Feb 03, 2024
Iris |The Siren| Iris could sense his gaze on her as he weaves the flowers into the vines. Biting her inner cheek as she forces herself to focus on the weaving and not his soul-piercing gaze. Thankfully the tension that was forming between the two was broken by the shrill voice of her best friend. Eyes widening as she is pushed behind the smaller, yet feisty Persian molly. Iris remains quiet as Duchess becomes protective of her friend, Iris knew better than to try to talk down her best friend at the moment. It took a moment for her dear friend to calm enough to listen to Iris. The steel and cobalt blue tabby Maine coon molly felt that she owed Edgefrost to explain why he was here.  Biting back a smile as Duchess dismisses Edge, not liking his manners one bit. Chancing a glance at Edgefrost, ears twitching at his snort in regards to Duchess’s dismal. Iris could tell that he was not impressed, it was obvious that it took a lot to impress the egoistic warrior.  Tensing at the tone of his voice, she was not going to like what he had to say. Her azure blue eyes flickering down to the two small mice before locking with Edge’s forest green ones. Frowning in frustration as he tells them to go back to their old home. He had written them off as a lost cause before they even had time to prove themselves.  Anger flutters within her chest like agitated bees. No, she would never go back to her old life, yes at one point she had believed she had it all. Nice roof over her head, two legs who adored her, but that was not freedom. It was made clear when their owners wanted to force her and duchess into breeding with tomcats they did not know, just so they could carry and give birth to kits for their owners to sell for profit. It disgusted her that she would be used in such a way, to be forced to give up her kits without a say. She did not regret leaving the comforts of the kittypet life. Now she needed to fight for her renown freedom.  “You do not know our story. We may be some pampered spoiled kitty pets to you, but I know our worth and not you or anyone can tell us otherwise” Iris firmly states with a slight hiss to her voice. Brows furrowing as he mentions that he would take them to his clan, but only if they could prove that they had some concept to defend themselves. Lips parting in shock, she was completely flabbergasted at his conditions. How were two recently ex kitty pets suppose to defeat a skilled warrior?! Didn’t one train for moons or years to acquire such skill? The nerve of this guy! Eyes narrowing as she studies the calm and relaxed posture of the black and grey Maine Coon. Iris speculated that he did not believe they would accept the challenge.  He wanted them to hightail it out of there, to admit defeat before trying. Scowling as she takes a deep breath to quell her rising nerves. “All we got to do is get the mice from you?” Arching a brow at the cocky warrior. Challenge accepted. Without a moment’s hesitation Iris lurched forward. One goal in mind: beat him!
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The Family Grows! (Raven/Grim)
In Nursery
Feb 03, 2024
Ravenwatcher |The Shadowed Knight of Shadowclan| & Crowkit |The Incisiveness of Shadowclan| “I am coming Eclipse!” Crow exclaims, not wanting his sister to leave him behind. Though he didn’t want to rush and lose his leaf! It was so pretty and wanted to give it to momma! She needed pretty things like her! Huffing and puffing as he exerts more energy than he had. His unique magenta and periwinkle eyes narrowing in determination as he forces himself to sprint the last distance to Grimrose. Pouting slightly when the young kit realizes that his sister had indeed won their little race.  However he doesn’t dwell on his loss too long as the kit perks up. His smile brightening up at his mom, “I got this for you!!” He places the colorful orange and red leaf down by his mom’s paws, feeling proud of himself. Even though he technically hadn’t done anything as the leaf had found him. After receiving a well earned lick between his ears from Grimrose he rushes over to his sister to play.  “Oof” Ravenwatcher exaggerates when Eclipse rams into him full force. Acting as if the small kit was able to make him stumble, “When did you get so strong?” Raven muses with a grin, his lavender periwinkle eyes shining in adoration for his daughter. Lightly flicking Eclipse in the nose with the tip of his tail as Grimrose warns the kit to be more careful. Nudging his daughter in the direction of Crowkit before his full attention returns to his beloved mate.  Pursing his lips at her words, his eyes flicker over towards the entrance of the nursery. Contemplating, “I am still  hesitant to agree to this. Are you sure?” Raven mutters, not wanting his nosey kits to overhear. “Mercury believes that Cow would be a perfect match. Which I don’t disagree with her, but you have experience with the prospect of arranged marriage. Did you resent your father for making that choice?” Worry and doubt coating his words as he eyes his kits playing fondly before looking back at Grimrose.
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Sins of the son.
In Ghostly Flats
Feb 03, 2024
Firestar |The courageous Lion of Skyclan| Unnecessary blood shed. That is all Firestar could see around him. Battle cries echo the clearing, the ground seeping in the blood of warriors and loyalists alike. The leader of Skyclan felt his stomach clench tightly in guilt for the death around him, as he could not help but feel partially to blame. It was him who had received the prophecy of what was to come, it was his dead son that has come back for revenge. How could it not be his fault? A permanent scowl etched onto his sharp features, ignoring the thick mud clinging to his large paws with each powerful stride. His flaming ember and emerald bicolored eyes continuously take in his surroundings. The stench of iron was so potent that it dulled Fire’s sense of smell. The sky darkening, making it even more difficult for his clanmates and comrades to efficiently attack their enemies.  This is exactly what Copperheart had wanted, to cause chaos and confusion amongst the clans. To cause them to hesitate when attacking to clarify that they were truly attacking their foes, that hesitation might just save a friend or end one. The battle worn leader was easily able to counter any attack opposed toward him, his features remaining cold as he struck his opponents down, making their deaths as swift as possible. His sole focus was to find his son; or well Hawkstar, to put an end to this once and for all. There would be no escaping, he could not allow Cooper to possess another, to slip from his grasp.  Time almost stood still when his gaze locks with the corrupt eyes of his son reflecting from Hawkstar’s body. Clenching his jaw as he takes in the walking and talking meat suit. The body of Hawkstar was barely recognizable, Copper had overstayed his welcome in the Thunderclan leaders body. Shoving past many felines, many steering clear of the intimidating fiery Maine Coon. His eyes blazing in anger, sorrow, and resentment towards not just his son but himself. Where did he go wrong? What had pushed Copperheart to become so heartless and cruel? Stopping before his son, frowning at the deranged look upon the feline in front of him.  A shiver of revulsion ripples down his spine at the guttural voice. It was as if Copper’s voice was battling with Hawkstar’s, it was an eerie sound. Suppressing his unease as he regards his son, his ears twitching as Copper addresses him. “What have you done? Copperheart…this does not need to happen. You can stop this right here, right now. Make it right” Fire tries to reason, but deep down he knew that his son was far too gone. His son’s heart and soul was tainted with so much darkness and sin that there was no redemption in sight for his fallen son.
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a splash of fun [mink x squid]
In Fishing Stones
Feb 03, 2024
Squidshade |The Unpredictable of Riverclan| Humming in thought as his molten gold eyes flicker over towards the stream, taking note that there certainly was no fish lurking in the cool water. His attention drifting back towards Minknose as she hurriedly exits the stream. Squidshade could easily detect that he had embarrassed the molly for catching her playing around in the water. He had never been the best at socializing with others, his aloof demeanor tended to put others on edge, not knowing how to approach the dark tom. Flicking his tail side to side slowly as he debates if he should leave her to collect herself, knowing he had caught her off guard.  Yet, he spent too much time within his mind, trying to figure out what he should do. That the tall tom had almost not noticed that Minknose had moved closer towards him. Arching a quizzical brow, was there something on his face? Refraining the urge to wipe his face with his paw as his observant gaze remains on the smaller molly. It would seem that she had not been fully aware of her actions, watching her jump back in surprise, how odd. Tilting his cranium towards the side, his ears twitching as he listens to Minknose ramble and stumble over her words. It was kinda cute to watch her become flustered.  A soft snort of amusement escapes the back of his throat as she absentmindedly called him handsome. Now this was certainly a first for Squidshade, as he was not use to such compliments. At least not in such a forward manner. The tiredness that clung to his form moments prior had instantly vanished from interacting with the easily embarrassed she-cat. His golden eyes lighting up in silent laughter as he watches her face morph into pure horror when she realizes what she had just said. Squid had expected her to backtrack but was even more pleasantly surprised when she dug her grave even more.  “Hmm…are you this forward with everyone?” Squid teases with a small grin on his handsome features. He hoped to ease her anxiety with his little tease. “Thank you for the compliment, it wasn’t what I was expecting but I shall take it nonetheless” Squid softly says, settling down on his hunches, hoping his lax posture will bring her some comfort that he was not put off with her rambling. “I don’t think you are a fool. Strange…in an refreshing way” he teases Minknose once more. “I apologize for interrupting your personal time…I had thought you were an apprentice sneaking off” he suddenly adds while he watches Mink with keen interest.
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Adventurous [Eagle + Polar]
In Oak Forest
Jan 19, 2024
Polarpaw |The Eccentric of Thunderclan| Polar’s beautiful crystal blue and indigo purple eyes follow Eagletalon’s every move. The observant molly could sense the anxiety and silent turmoil radiating from the brown rosette tom. “Hmm” she hums out, not minding his passive aggressive tone and behavior. She could tell that he had a lot on his mind, and did not know how to express himself around others. Her silvery cinnamon colored ears perk up as he huffs at her, demanding if she was here to laugh or poke fun of his inner distress. Tilting her cranium in curiosity, usually she was the one being made fun of because of her peculiar personality and for her chunky curvy figure.  “Why would I laugh? You haven’t said anything funny” Polar furrows her brows as she gives him a clueless look, not realizing he did not mean it literally. “Oh” she gasps softly as she rushes slightly after Eagletalon. She could tell he secretly wanted company, she was perfect for the job! Her long flowing tail wisps side to side as she hums with a hop in her step as she follows behind Eagle.  A dreamy grin pulls at her lips as he concedes to her company, not like she was giving him much of a choice. “Oh! I am out here for no reason! The scenery is quite nice and calming…don’t you think?” Polar asks as her different toned eyes flicker around the forest. The ground crunching beneath her weight with each step due to the brittle cold air sweeping past their forms. “The smell in the air indicates a cold winter! Exciting! Snow is such a beautiful thing to witness! Too bad it is cold” Polarpaw sighs as she finally pads long side the young warrior. “Nice to have company for once.”
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a splash of fun [mink x squid]
In Fishing Stones
Jan 19, 2024
Squidshade |The Unpredictable of Riverclan| A tired yawn escapes the tall dark tom-cat, his dark molten gold eyes flicker around tiredly. He  could not believe he had allowed Pebblebelly to convince him once again to stay up most of the night at the docks just so Pebblebelly could continuously jump off the two-leg made wooden dock into the dark waters. Typical behavior of his idiotic brother, someone had to watch him to make sure the fish brain did not drown! Though, he would admit that the solitude of laying on the dock, starring at the moon’s and star’s reflection in the lake was soothing to his soul. That is, until Squidshade sadly remembered he had Dawn patrol duties.  Oh how he wanted to strangle his brother, who merely laughed a farewell before retreating to bed.  Tsk. Which leaves the dark black brooding tom in the present. The exhaustion coating his golden eyes as he pads away from the patrol, thrilled to be done with his morning duties. His warm nest singing to him as he longed to curl up and sleep the day away. Yet, his goal is halted when he nears the fishing stones. He expected to hear the soothing sounds of the water rushing through the stones. Instead he is greeted by a joyful laughter, eyes narrowing as he stares off in the direction of the noise.  ‘That better not be apprentices sneaky off early in the morning!’ Squid grunts in annoyance as his bed would have to wait. Trudging grumpily through the foliage, his large black frame stopping at the edge of the small river. Confusion painting onto his face as his eyes land on Minknose, a warrior light-heartedly splashing in the shallows like an apprentice. ‘Another Pebblebelly’ Squidshade sighs at the thought. “Isn’t it a little early to be messing around? You are probably scaring away the fish” He decides to speak out. His voice soft yet gravelly as he takes a small step forward as he eyes the dappled molly curiously.
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Brotherly Suspicion (Bear/Macaw)
In Birch Forest
Jan 19, 2024
Bearpaw |Strong-Willed Soldier of Skyclan| Bearpaw could feel the corner of his lips twitch in amusement as he watches Macawpaw stutter over his sudden appearance. ‘Good. Let’s make him sweat a little’ he thought as his golden marigold eyes study the fiery ginger tabby Maine coon. His piercing gaze often made those subjected to it uncomfortable and he was certain his brother was not an exception. “Hmm allow me to give you a second opinion on your looks” Bear teases, having heard his brother muttering about how he looked moments ago. Pretending to appraise Macaw’s looks, “You are right! You do look good” Bear’s gruff voice mocks with a smirk. “Not sure why you are caring so much about your looks to go exploring” his tone drips with accusation as he steps closer to Macawpaw.  “Hmm it is funny that you don’t know why you are here, when your scent is all over the place” Bear nonchalantly says as he slowly takes in his surroundings. Wondering what it was about this place that kept bringing his brother back. He easily noticed how Macaw refused to make eye contact, a tell sign that Macaw was hiding something from him. “Everyone else might be oblivious to you disappearing all the time, but you should know better than to assume your absences would not go unnoticed” he reminds his older brother. It was moments like this, he wondered how he was the younger brother, yet seemed more mature than the risk taker. Sighing as Macaw tries to steer his attention away from his destination. Settling down on his hunches as he just gives Macaw an almost bored look.  “Macaw…drop the act” Bear groans, of course he was curious about what lay outside of their clan. He just had more restraint than him, as he knew that curiosity held consequences. “What are you up to? I don’t want you getting hurt….” Bear softens his stern features. His tense form relaxes as he stares at his brother, “What if something happens to you? No one would know where you are at or what you are up to. This is dangerous…you know that right?” He questions softly, knowing that yelling or scolding Macaw even more would do neither of them any good. “I just want you to be careful and know you can trust me when you are ready.”
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